Agenda Welcome John Harnick EPM Barb Jacius GL Donna Braga Joan Skripol Billing Chris Marchese AR Lynn Sheldon
Distance Learning (web casting) Can be viewed repeatedly at a user’s desk Provides a permanent record Reduces the number of user group sessions Can track how many users connect and for how long Can add a satisfaction survey We can never hold enough sessions 11 Modules Sessions fill quickly Specific topics aren’t published in advance and attendees may not be the best target audience How do we reach a larger audience?
Benefits Save on Travel Scheduling Available to everyone at any time from the Core-CT website Recorded in a professional studio in Rocky Hill Recorded session available shortly after the session Drawbacks Audience will be limited Limited live questions Attendees might be recorded on camera or by audio Audience selection How do we reach a larger audience?
Your Opinion Contact View an example Procurement 101 media/das.aspx media/das.aspx How do we reach a larger audience?
Agenda Welcome John Harnick EPM Barb Jacius GL Donna Braga Joan Skripol Billing Chris Marchese AR Lynn Sheldon
EPM 9.0 EPM Upgrade September 15, 2008 Hardware Replacement Application Upgrade – Version 9.0
EPM 9.0 Why Upgrade? Faster Table Refresh Times Better Query Performance Build the Foundation for Analytic Reporting
EPM 9.0 Upgrade Query Clean Up 8.8 Queries not executed or updated within the last 18 months “Broken” queries, such as union queries with unequal number of fields Queries never run
EPM 9.0 Impacts to Users All EPM 9.0 Tables have been renamed 9.0 Reporting Tables prefixed with CTW_ (Connecticut Warehouse) Some field names have changed
EPM 9.0 Query Impacts All Existing 8.8 Queries have been copied to the new EPM Version 9.0 EPM 9.0 Queries have been updated with the to the new table / field names Query names did not change
Query Impacts All Queries copied from EPM 8.8 to EPM 9.0 must be saved upon opening and before executing or scheduling EPM 9.0
Query Execution Impacts All Run Controls must be recreated All Queries previously scheduled must be saved before recreating new run controls and re-scheduling
EPM 9.0 New Job Aids All existing job aids have been updated with the new Reporting Table Names New job aids to provide the Old Table vs New Table Name listing
GL Agenda GL Reminders and Hot Topics Detail & Summary Revenue Report Reconciling Commitment Control to GL
GL Reminders and Hot Topics GL Reminders Managers Guide Inactivating Chartfields Hot Topics Print Journal Feature Journal Find & Replace
Print Journal Feature
Journal Find & Replace
#1 #2
Journal Find & Replace
Detail & Summary Revenue GL > General Reports > Detail and Summary Revenue Report
Detail & Summary Revenue GL > General Reports > Detail and Summary Revenue Report
Detail & Summary Revenue
KK/GL Reconciliation 1.Budget Status vs. Flexible Ledger Analysis 2.EPM Queries 3.Budget Transaction Detail Report 4.Ledger Activity Report
Budget Status Report Navigation: Commitment Control> Budget Reports
Budget Status Report
Flexible Ledger Analysis Navigation: General Ledger> General Reports
Flexible Ledger Analysis
Select Ledgers
Flexible Ledger Analysis
Manager’s Guide GL/KK
EPM Queries Navigation: EPM Reporting Tools> Query Manager> (GL Folder) CT_CORE_BUDGET_STATUS_REPORT
Flexible Ledger Analysis Navigation: General Ledger> General Reports
Flexible Ledger Analysis
Budget Transaction Detail Navigation: Commitment Control> Budget Reports
Budget Transaction Detail
Billing Agenda Reminders / Hot Topics BI Distribution Codes BI Charge Codes Things to Come DR Bill Type Accounting Date Customization Mini-Training Recurring Bills Invoice Register by Bill Type
BI Distribution Codes NAVIGATION: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Distribution Accounting > Distribution Code Distribution Codes… Simplify Save Time Are Accurate
BI Distribution Codes Helpful Hints Use a naming convention that means something to you. Back-date the Effective Date. Always use Revenue as the Distribution Type. Account is the only ChartField Value required.
BI Distribution Codes Update Distribution Codes Click Add a Row Icon. Update the Effective Date. Update the ChartField Value. The new row will copy all of the data from the row before it.
BI Charge Codes NAVIGATION: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Billing > Setup > Charge Code Charge Codes… Simplify Save Time Can tie to Distribution Codes
BI Charge Codes Helpful Hints Use a naming convention that means something to you. Back-date the Effective Date. Enter the particular Unit of Measure. By entering a Revenue Distribution Code, you have the option to tie this Charge Code to an existing Distribution Code.
Charge Codes & Dist. Codes Line – Info 1 Choose ID (PS/Billing Charge ID). Choose a Charge Code as the Identifier.
What is Deferred Revenue (DR)? Cash collected in one fiscal year, but not recognized as revenue until a future fiscal year—when the revenue is earned. Prepayments (Rent, Leases, etc.) Federal Grants (The provider must stipulate the amount or portion of the grant award that must be spent for each grant year.) -- OSC/OTT Purpose Deferred Revenue is to be reported on annually via the GAAP Closing Package for the State of Connecticut. External and Federal Customers Only (NOT Inter-Agency) DR Bill Type Allows for Easy Reporting. Deferred Revenue Bill Type – (DR)
Reminders / Hot Topics BI Distribution Codes BI Charge Codes Things to Come DR Bill Type Accounting Date Customization Mini-Training Recurring Bills Invoice Register by Bill Type Billing Agenda
Header – Info 1 Set the Status to RDY. Click SAVE. The Accounting Date will default with the current date. This date may be changed to another date as long as it is within the Open Period. Accounting Date Customization
NAVIGATION: Billing > Maintain Bills > Standard Billing Recurring Bills… Reproduce Bills and Generate Invoices by using Recurring Bill Templates Control When and How Often Recurring Bills are Generated MINI-TRAINING: Recurring Bills
Header – Info 1 Choose the Cycle ID. Bi-Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Yearly Set the Frequency to Recurring. Click SAVE. Click the Recurring Bill Schedule hyperlink.
Recurring Bill Schedule Set you Start Date and End Date. Click the “Generate Recurring Bill Schedule” Icon When generating the schedule, the Start Date/End Date and Cycle ID are the determining factors. MINI-TRAINING: Recurring Bills
Recurring Bill Schedule The Recurring Schedule displays the following: Invoice Date – The date that will appear on the actual Invoice. Generate Date – The earliest the Invoice may be generated. Bill Header From Date/To Date – The time frame for which the Invoice is intended for. Click SAVE. Click the Return to Bill Entry hyperlink. MINI-TRAINING: Recurring Bills
Header – Info 1 Set the Status to RDY. Click SAVE. This Recurring Bill Template is ready to Generate Invoices.
NAVIGATION: Billing > Maintain Bills > Create Recurring Bills MINI-TRAINING: Recurring Bills
NAVIGATION: Billing > Maintain Bills > Recurring Bill Schedule Recurring Bill Schedule Shows that the Invoice has been generated (not finalized), the date it was generated, and gives the Invoice ID. You may Finalize and Print this Invoice. MINI-TRAINING: Recurring Bills
NAVIGATION: Billing > Generate Invoices > Reports > Invoice Register Reports… Invoice Register by Invoice ID Invoice Register by Customer ID MINI-TRAINING: Invoice Register by Bill Type
Critical Reminders Hot Topics New Report MINI-TRAINING MINI-TRAINING - Managing Your Receivables AR Agenda
Critical Reminders Close out your On Accounts (OA’s) each month Clean up your Pending Receipts each month Use Conversations to document changes to an item Do not correct coding errors in Billing/AR – Use the GL Look at Aging Report before creating Maintenance Worksheets Please clean up incomplete deposits in a timely manner AR Critical Reminders
Hot Topics Maintenance Worksheets – Can only match exact coding string Review open items older than 7/1/2007 – close or collect - Use Conversations on items Use Incorrect GIRO Deposits Job Aid on the CORE- CT website – know where to find AR Job Aids – know that help is out there Write-Offs may no longer be processed on a maintenance worksheet. A credit bill must be processed.
Hot Topics Navigate to this page at Click on the link for Financials Job Aids
Hot Topics
NEW REPORT Navigation: Accounts Receivable>Receivables Analysis>Aging>Reverse Aging Detail Report
CLEAN UP OLD RECEIVABLES RUN AN AGING REPORT FOR YOUR AGENCY Match up any debits and credits that have not been picked up by Auto Maintenance that belong together MINI-TRAINING
Match up Items
Look at your oldest items on the report. Are they legitimate bills? Are they collectible? Have you collected the funds but entered them on a Direct journal? MINI-TRAINING
Are they legitimate? Was this bill created in error and forgotten about? Look at inquiries on items or customers. Run reports. Look for duplicates. You need to research. If this bill was in error, create a reversal bill and be sure to document all information in the notes section of the bill. MINI-TRAINING
Are they collectible? Navigation: Accounts Receivable>Customer Accounts>Item Information>View/Update Item Details>Find An Existing Value MINI-TRAINING
This is a copy of the OPM authorization. The number is the number you would put in your conversation. If you are crediting a bill for a grant fund, you must send a copy of this and your backup paperwork with chartfield coding to Julie Wilson at OSC. If you have any questions about this procedure you can call Julie at
MINI-TRAINING Conversations are a very powerful tool Very easy to use Can enter multiple conversations Documentation is on line Anyone can look at the item and see the history No need for yellow sticky notes on paperwork Documentation will not get lost Leaves an audit trail
Have you processed the funds on a Direct Journal? MINI-TRAINING
Navigation: Accounts Receivable>Payments>Review Payments>All Payments MINI-TRAINING
YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY NEGATIVE RECEIVABLES UNLESS THEY ARE GOING TO REDUCE YOUR NEXT BILL 1. Research 2. Correct Problem 3. Match up against a debit bill 4. Set to Batch Standard MINI-TRAINING