The Age Of The Smarter Phone Use More and more peoples are starting to get information, news, organize online. That includes union members. More peoples have cell phones than computers Desktop computer use : 58% Laptop computer use: 46% Cell phone, blackberry or Iphone: 83% Cell phones are being increasingly being used for communications purposes other than just making calls: Send or receive Jan 2010: 29% | Dec 2007: 19% Send or receive Instant Messages: Jan 2010: 31% | Dec 2007: 17% Access the internet: Jan 2010: 32% | December 2007: 19%
Class / Age Divide Exists in Smart Phone Usage
Smart Phone Usage Is Growing Rapidly
Open Rates Are 90%+ lists average open rates of 10%-25% Mobile text messaging because of the medium averages open rates higher than 90%+ Mobile text messages are hard to ignore Smart phone rely less on SMS and more on traditional , push notifications and apps.
Why It Works Action rates are higher Embed call action into the text with a phone number Communicating with members while they’re out, not when they’re checking
Mobile And PC Go Hand In Hand
Resources App Developers Mobile Campainers Google
7. I use my smart phone when I have nothing better to do. Average 3,6 Average 3,2 8. I often use my smart phone for school. Average 2,4 Average 2,6 9. Smart phones should not be allowed at school. Average 2,8 Average 3,1 STUDENTS WITHOUT SMARTPHONES STUDENTS WITH SMARTPHONES
10. Smart phones are an importmant learning tool. Average 2,7 Average 3,3 11. The use of smart phones by teenagers leads to their social disengagement. Average 3,2 Average 3,5 STUDENTS WITHOUT SMARTPHONES STUDENTS WITH SMARTPHONES