Usually done on the mid stream urine Fresh voided urine The container is clean and sterile (for culture ) The sample must be tested within 1hr
1-apperance : When urine is clear that mean urine is free from WBC, RBC, Bacteria, epithelial cell. If urine is turbid we can found WBC,RBC,Bacteria. 2-color : Normal color for urine is straw,pale yellow,light yellow Abnormal in color colorless, dark yellow,red ……
3-spacific gravity : Measure urine density or amount of solute in urine Normal SG for urine Excessive water intake SG low 4-PH: Normal urine PH is ( ) as averagen6.0
1-protein : Test protein in urine by: Urine strip Sulfosalicylic acid Heating and cooling for bence jonce protein in multiple myeloma patients 2- Glucose : Under normal condition all most all of glucose filtrated If blood glucose is increase up to 180 mg/dl glucose appear in urine ( threshold value )
3- blood 4- keton body 5-nitrite : Apositive nitrite test indicates that bacteria may be present in urine 6- bilirubin:
1-RBC 2-WBC 3-Bacteria 4-Epithelial cell 5-Cast
The cast may be (RBC cast, wbc cast, Hyaline cast, Granular cast, waxy cast ) 7- crystal IN acidic urine ( ca oxalate, amorphous urate, uric acid ) IN alkaline urine (ca phosphate, triple phosphate, amorphous phosphate )
1-ova of schistosoma hematobium
2- Trichomonas vaginalis