Presented by Katarina NEUSCHLOVA Quality Management System in AIS Implementation Experience of ISO Standard Presented by Katarina NEUSCHLOVA Letove prevadzkove sluzby Slovenskej republiky, s. p. Aeronautical Information Services
OVERVIEW Experience of the S. R. AIS in achieving ISO 9001 certification QMS Framework Management involvement HR involvement Implementation steps Implications Benefits
Quality Management System Framework
WHY QMS in AIS? ICAO Annex 15 Requirements Basic guidelines - ISO 9000 series Eurocontrol EATMP AIST agreed to use ISO 9000 as the basis for QA activities and to achieve certification to ISO 9001 by 2003 LPS SR, š. p. / AIS (ANS provider of the Slovak Republic)
SCOPE of QMS Implementation of QMS in LPS SR, š.p. includes 4 main activities: Air Traffic Services Aeronautical Telecommunications and systems support for ATS Aviation SAR Aeronautical Information Services
QMS of AIS Implementation of QMS in AIS includes (PUB and NOF) all AIS functions: “Regulated” Processes - production and publication of IAIP (PUB and NOF) - international ex-change and provision of AI (NOF and DIST) “Non Regulated” Processes - national aeronautical publications (PUB and DIST) - ICAO Sales Agent (DIST)
Management Involvement
MANAGEMENT DECISION Top Management decision - commitment to develop and implement QMS (2000 Q1) ISO 9001: 2000 - QMS model selected Consultant services - the contract (19 APR 2000) Initial Analysis - current situation in the company vs. ISO (31 AUG 2000)
RESPONSIBILITIES CEO - The Management Representative for Q Appointed by CEO: - The Management Representative for Q - The Quality Board - The Quality Manager ( MAY 2001) Quality Manager - reports to the Management Representative Project Team 19.04.00 ymluva s Det Norske V 13.09.00 QTF 15.05.01 Rada kvality mana6er kvality, predtsvitel vedenia Quality policy - recommended by Q Board and approved by CEO (MAY 2001)
Human Resources Involvement
Human efforts - the major resource required IMPLEMENTATION TEAM Human efforts - the major resource required Project team Implementation along side day to day activity Volunteers - selected from staff involved A range of disciplines/main activities Motivation and skills development Internal Auditors (IA) AIS - 2 representatives
IMPLEMENTATION STEPS Project Plan (APR 2000 - DEC 2001) Training of personnel Documentation System implementation Internal audits and improvement Certification to ISO 9001
STAFF TRAINING Introductory training on ISO 9000 Familiarisation of the employees with ISO 9001: 2000 (OCT- NOV 2000) Training of the Internal Auditors (MAY and SEP 2000) Workshops for AIS provided by EUROCONTROL (1999 - 2001) different levels for the top management, managers, executive staff
DOCUMENTATION STRUCTURE To review and produce (since FEB 2001) STANDARD - ISO 9001:2000 Policy, organisation,responsibilities, outline of QS QUALITY MANUAL Practices, responsibilities, interfaces PROCEDURES QUALITY MANUAL Purpose - Quality Policy - Organisation - Interfaces, responsibilities - Quality System - overview Two volumes (LPS SR, š.p.) QM of the company QM of the AIS Documentation - a requirement of QMS: Should not be excessive Simple, clear, concise style Aimed at education/experience of personnel using the procedure Realistic - do not specify the impossible or impractical Consistent - with the Quality Manual and other procedures Well controlled - consider the distribution/change mechanism Procedure development: Establish current practice Document current practice Review current practice Prepare procedure Review and approve Issue procedure Detailed instructions on how to carry out specific tasks INSTRUCTIONS FORMS Quality records
QMS DOCUMENTATION AIS QS documentation Quality manual Operational directive for AIS Operational procedures for each Dept. (EUROCONTROL OPADD, ADP, SDP) Qualification requirements QS documentation Quality Manual Documentation Control QMS Scope IA and corrective & preventive actions Operational directives for the main activities/processes Regulation on submission of AI for publication by AIS, etc.
INTERNAL AUDITS QMS to be implemented at least 3 months before the certification audit (SEP 2001) Internal audits - planned, organised and carried out (15 -26 OCT 2001) Management review - followed by corrective actions (5 - 9 NOV 2001)
CERTIFICATION Pre-assessment audit (12 -16 NOV 2001) Certification audit - conducted by the accredited body (10 -14 DEC 2001) The Certificates of LPS SR, š.p. - valid for 3 years (continual improvement) (DEC 2004) AIS ATS, Telecommunications, SAR (mission)
COSTS External Costs Internal Costs Training Consultancy Training Assessment and Certification Internal Costs Writing manuals and procedures Design of forms and records Internal auditing
INVESTMENTS Genuine Investments Human efforts Time Commitment
BENEFITS ICAO compliance Consistent quality of AIS output Improved management and planning Improved visibility of work processes and competencies Documented procedures Opportunity to identify problems and formalise change Less wasted effort/resources Staff qualification improved
USERS PERCEPTION Improved status of AIS Customer oriented Improved communication Increased efficiency Consistent quality of AIS output Marketing asset
SUMMARY QMS in AIS (within the mother-company) - model - scope - responsibilities Implementation steps Implications and Benefits
CONCLUSIONS QMS implementation - mandatory for AIS ISO 9001 : 2000 - Model for Good Management Applicable to any organisation - ANS/AIS Customer focussed - users requirements met Investment for the future
Thank you for your attention.