BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy Plymouth University
The Qualification BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy Eligibility to apply for registration with the Health Professions Council and the College of Occupational Therapists Eligibility for registration with the World Federation of Occupational Therapists
Course Structure Highly integrated and focused course Course completed over 3 years Each year has two teaching blocks each lasting for 16 weeks The course will be delivered using both practical and theoretical elements Shared learning with other allied health professionals/ multi- professional groups come together to problem solve throughout the course
Course Aims Develop practitioners who meet the requirements of the COT, HPC, and QAA benchmarks Develop Occupational Therapists who are fit for purpose, fit for award and fit to register with the HPC Develop practitioners who are able to contribute to the safe, ethical and effective delivery of Occupational Therapy services in a wide variety of contexts Develop reflective practitioners who are able to take responsibility for their own continued professional development
Practice Placements Placements take place throughout the South West, therefore you will be required to travel to and from placements Students must complete a minimum of 1000 hours of assessed practice placement Practice placements are arranged into three blocks: -Level 1 – 8 weeks -Level 2 – 11 weeks -Level 3 – 12 weeks DoH bursaries, include travel and accommodation for placements
Placement Pattern Level 1 Teaching Block B Level 2 Level 3 Teaching Block A 8 weeks Practice placement 11 weeks Practice placement Practice placement 12 weeks
Placements & Study Centres You may be required to travel for your practice placements, developing a broader practice experience
Inter-professional Education Inter-professional learning facilitates an inter-professional approach. Opportunities for shared learning which may include students from: Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy Podiatry Dietetics Operating Department Practitioners Paramedicine Optometry
Your Application What we look for: Totality of the application Academic qualifications including – strong GCSE profile: five grades C and above (must include English, Maths and Science) – A levels: 300 points (with at least 160 points from two A levels) – 80 points must be in a biological or social science Personal statement References
Your Application What we look for: Non Standard Academic Qualifications BTEC National Diploma or Access to higher education in a health related subject, applicants must achieve a minimum of 45 credits at level 3 Applications from those returning to education are welcome Evidence of academic study in the last five years is required
Personal Statement Demonstrate an interest and knowledge of the profession Evidence of related work experience Demonstrate evidence of good communication skills Ability to empathise with others Problem solving and use of initiative
Personal Statement Ability to study/work independently and in groups Extra curricular/outside interests Willingness to learn Quality of written work Supportive references
Recommended Study Skills Entry is competitive Students are advised to be positive about study skills as it will enable you to study more effectively. Addressing the following skills is particularly good preparation: Numeracy: Including fractions & decimals Literacy: Including scan reading, academic writing, spelling and grammar IT skills: Word processing, and the use of the internet General knowledge of Biology will be required Self directed study may therefore be appropriate
If Offered a Place Commitment to the course Be sure before you start Attend Preview Day Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check Occupational health screen To be prepared to become an autonomous learner
at PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy Any Questions?
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