Respiratory Diseases in Cattle Hannah, Anne, Emily, and Arielle.


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Presentation transcript:

Respiratory Diseases in Cattle Hannah, Anne, Emily, and Arielle

Introduction In cattle from about six weeks of age up to two years, respiratory diseases are the major causes of illness and death Cattle have a relatively small lung capacity for their size. Thus, they are capable of strenuous physical activity but only in short bursts. Hence, cattle have little functional reserve, so lung disease can seriously compromise function. Four of the main respiratory diseases that affect steers are IBR, PI3, BVD and Pneumonia.

IBR Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) sometime called ‘red nose’

History IBR was confirmed in Great Britain in A severe case didn’t break out until 1977 in Scotland.

What is it? A viral disease caused by Bovine Herpes Virus 1 (BHV-1) The disease is most commonly seen in animals over six months of age. Can cause venereal and brain infections

What does it look like? Clinical Signs: nasal discharge, fever and conjunctivitis.

A little more about IBR The cattle can catch a secondary bacterial infection while their immune systems are down Morbidity rates range from 20% to 100% IBR affects animal health thereby causing significant economic losses to cattle producers.

Good News Can be treated fairly easily

PI-3 Called Parainfluenza type 3 Although PI-3 is capable of causing disease, it is usually associated with mild to subclinical infections. The most important role of PI-3 is to serve as an initiator that can lead to the development of secondary bacterial pneumonia.

Clinical signs include a high fever (107+), cough, serous nasal and ocular discharge, increased respiratory rate, and increased breath sounds. PI3 is an agent implicated in shipping fever in cattle, one of the clinical disease syndromes in the bovine respiratory disease complex.

The disease is widespread in the US and is one of the major causes of economic losses in the cattle industry. This virus is immunogenic in lambs and mice. There are vaccines that can protect them against the infection. It is zoonotic! But considered a rare disease (affected less than 200,000 people)

BVD (Bovine Virus Diarrhea) What is BVD? An infection that suppresses the immune system which can then cause infected cattle (especially young calves) to have a higher incidence of other diseases 80 percent of cattle in this country have been exposed to BVD About 70 to 90 percent of infections go undetected, without visible symptoms

About BVD The two basic genetic types of the virus (Type I and Type II) are about 70 percent similar in genetic make-up and can both be present in the same animal. BVD causes damage to the digestive and immune systems, pneumonia, abortions in pregnant cows, calf deformities, and other diseases. Newborn calves infected with BVD have fever, nasal discharge, diarrhea, and inability to move about normally BVD weakens the immune system -- making the animals more susceptible to other diseases.

Vaccinations Many IBR vaccines include the entire IBR/PI3/BRSV/BVD shipping fever complex. BVD infected cattle don't have a very good response to vaccinations. Even diligently vaccinating against IBR, pinkeye and other common diseases might not work and some of the vaccinated cattle may develop those diseases.

Two types of infections Transient (acute) infection (“TI”) Short term (weeks) >95% of BVD infections are TI Acquired after birth TI cattle become immune and clear virus Persistent (chronic) infection (“PI”) Life long infection Acquired in utero. PI cattle never become immune <5% of BVD infection are PI PI cattle major source of virus spread in herd Over 90% of BVD-PI calves are born from normal dams (no prior BVDV exposure)

Keep the herd healthy BVD spreads quickly between cattle Isolate and treat infected animal quickly BVD infection can be difficult to diagnose because it shows up in so many different ways. If an operation has a high incidence of respiratory diseases, this may be a clue that BVD is part of the problem. BVD infected cattle are safe for human consumption

What is Pneumonia? An inflammation of the lungs Greatly affects cost Seen mainly in young cattle Can be deadly

Multi-factoral disease Stress from management practices and inefficiencies Viruses Bacteria Upper respiratory infections Weakened immunity due to any other factor

Multi-factoral disease Stress FactorsViral AgentsBacteria Heat Cold Dust Dampness Injury Fatigue Dehydration Hunger Anxiety Irritant gasses Nutritional deficiencies surgery PI3 IBR BVD BRSV Adenovirus Rhinovirus Herpesvirus IV Enterovirus MCF Reovirus Pasteurella Hemophilus Other

Symptoms Off feed Fever Nasal discharge Coughing Increases respiratory efforts Depression

Treatment Nursing care Antibiotics Supportive drugs Management changes

Results Death Respiratory cripple Full recovery

Prevention Vaccinating before infection can take place RSV, Pi3, IBR Minimize stress Improve air quality

Conclusion These diseases affect cattle in all industries, at any age and cannot always be prevented. Hopefully we can keep our steers healthy and sound so they grow to their full perspective.

"Diagnosis of IBR in Cattle - Diagnostic Tests." IBR Eradication. Intervet:Schering-Plough Animal Health. Web. 07 Feb < "Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) - Diseases of Cattle from TheCattleSite." Dairy Cattle, Dairy Cattle Health, Welfare, Diseases, Dairy News, Articles, Photos of Dairy Cattle, Dairy Cattle Photo. Benchmark House. Web. 07 Feb "Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) - Diseases of Cattle from TheCattleSite." Dairy Cattle, Dairy Cattle Health, Welfare, Diseases, Dairy News, Articles, Photos of Dairy Cattle, Dairy Cattle Photo. Benchmark House. Web. 07 Feb < rhinotracheitis-ibr>. Unknown. "Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)." Cattle Diseases. The Cattle Website Experts, Web. 07 Feb Unknown. "Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)." Cattle Diseases. The Cattle Website Experts, Web. 07 Feb <