Rob Hartman Director ASML
PAGE 2 Education and research in engineering and sciences Architecture, Building and Planning Chemical Engineering & Chemistry Applied Physics Industrial Design Electrical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences Mathematics & Computer Science
TU/e education & research programs Bachelor College 15 BSc programs, such as: BSc Industrial Design BSc Innovation Sciences – Psychology & Technology Graduate school 29 Master programs (MSc), such as MSc Automotive Technology, MSc Nano Engineering. Professional Doctorate (PDEng) 10 programs in technology design, such as PDEng Logistics Management Systems PDEng User System Interaction PhD programs in all research fields (individual research) PAGE 3
TU/e; young, dynamic, personal Students BSc students5,000 MSc students3,000(25% international) PDEng students 200(70% international) PhD students 1,000(60% international) Academic staff 2,000 (45 % international) Excellent student/staff ratio PAGE 4
Research areas TU/e specializes in: Embedded Systems ICT Chemical & Chemical Engineering Automotive Lighting Photonics (COBRA) Focus in research areas: Energy Health Smart Mobility PAGE 5
TU/e 2020 Strategic Plan “ In 2020 TU/e will have a leading position in the world as an international research University in engineering, science & technology”. by: 1.Internationalisation of student population and education 2.Strengthening international academic cooperation 6
EU most innovative regions Source: EU Innovation Scoreboard 2009
Triple Helix
© Brainport Development, 2011 A top record card for Brainport Eindhoven Region Grades: Broadband & Internet accessVery good InventionsVery good Development & productionVery good CooperationVery good Jobs and companiesVery good Earning moneyVery good Notes: Brainport Eindhoven Region, the smartest region of the world!* Winner ICF Award
Eindhoven region: open and innovative Open innovation: campuses PAGE 11 High Tech Campus Eindhoven TU/e CampusHigh Tech Automotive Campus Helmond Design Campus
PAGE 12 Food and Nutrition High-tech Systems and Materials AutomotiveLife TechDesign continued today… Brainport: European top technology region
PAGE 13 Smart supplyHigh-tech ToolsMade to fitSystems in a package and tomorrow Brainport: European top technology region
TU/e research focus PAGE 14 National top research schools NRSC-Catalysis Communication Technology Basic Research and Applications (COBRA) National top technology institutes Dutch Polymer Institute Embedded Systems Institute National research schools Discrete Mathematics and its Applications Operations Management and Logistics (Beta) Programming Research and Algorithmics Eindhoven Polymer Laboratories Engineering Mechanics
Focus 6 Centres of Excellence 3TU Bio-Nano Applications; Dependable ICT Systems; Ethics and Technology; Intelligent Mechatronic Systems; Multiscale phenomena; Sustainable Energy Technologies.
Strategic Areas Focus on 3 key societal issues: Energy, Health, Smart Mobility Working together with universities, knowledge institutions and industry Strengthening our international research position
Brainport area - Highlights Seat of national innovation and R&D programs ‘Triple Helix’ Highest patent density of all European regions State of the art R&D facilities, highly attractive learning and working environment on TU/e Science campus,High Tech Campus, Automotive campus
University – industry collaboration « A succesfull university-industry collaboration should support the mission of each partner. Any effort in conflict with the mission of either partner will ultimately fail. » University- the education of students, the creation of Knowledge, and the dissemination of knowledge Industry- to create value for investors, provide usefull goods and services, and expand the state of art