Required Documentation H EALTHIER US S CHOOL C HALLENGE Alicia Dill, RDN, CD, CDE Nutrition Education Consultant WI Department of Public Instruction – School Nutrition Team
R EQUIRED S UPPORTING D OCUMENTATION TN Enrollment Form Menus Component crediting information (CN labels, product formulation sheets, recipes, etc) Whole grain documentation 6 cent certification worksheets Production Records
TN E NROLLMENT F ORM Verification of TN enrollment Found at: /srchpage.asp /srchpage.asp 1. Enter your zip code 2. Click the “search” button 3. Select your school 4. Print a copy of your verification form If your school is not in the database, you may join Team Nutrition at: /TN_Enrollment_Form/enrollment.php /TN_Enrollment_Form/enrollment.php
M ENU Required for breakfast and lunch Recommend submitting copy of menu available to families Menus must include the two full weeks HUSSC application is based on Days cannot be missed due to holidays, weather cancellations, etc. May cover two different months (February 25-March 8)
M ENU All items offered should be listed Meat/Meat Alternate Grains Fruit and vegetable choice Milk choice Alternate reimbursable meal options Salad Bar (do not need to list all options) Bagged lunches
C OMPONENT C REDITING I NFORMATION Required to guarantee correct crediting information Required for any menu item that has more than one ingredient Acceptable documentation includes CN Labels USDA Foods Fact Sheets USDA Foods (Brown Box) Wisconsin Processed USDA Foods Product formulation statements signed by the manufacturer Standardized recipes when scratch cooking Sample CN Label
W HOLE G RAIN I NFORMATION Whole grain-rich (WGR) products are required for HUSSC Bronze/Silver: 50% WGR products for breakfast, two-thirds WGR products for lunch Gold: 70% WGR products for breakfast, 100% WGR products for lunch Gold of Distinction: 100% WGR products for breakfast and lunch Foods that qualify as whole grain-rich for the school meal programs are foods that contain: 100-percent whole grain A blend of grains consisting of at least 50-percent whole grain
C OMMON G RAINS IN B READ P RODUCTS WG Ingredients Whole [name of grain] Whole [name of flour] Whole Grain [name of grain] [name of grain] Berries Stone ground whole [name of grain] Oats/oatmeal/rolled oats Whole white flour Graham flour May or may not be WG Ingredients Wheat Flour Unbleached flour Semolina flour Durum wheat flour Organic flour Stone ground flour Multigrain flour Enriched flour Degerminated Cornmeal Bran Wheatgerm Pearled Barley Not WG Ingredients
W HOLE G RAIN R ICH D OCUMENTATION Ingredients label that lists whole grain as first ingredient by weight Food label showing amount of whole grain in grams Product specification sheet signed by manufacturer Recipe that includes the ingredients and ingredients amounts 1 c cooked brown rice + ½ c cooked white rice 6.5 ounces Unbleached All-Purpose Flour + 4 ounces White Whole Wheat Flour + 4 ounces old-fashioned rolled oats + 1 ounce brown sugar, lightly packed + 2 teaspoons instant yeast or active dry yeast + 1 1/2 teaspoons salt + 1 3/4 ounces buttermilk powder + 1 1/2 ounces butter or margarine, softened + 8 to 10 ounces lukewarm water
6 C ENT C ERTIFICATION W ORKSHEETS Used to assess compliance with meal pattern requirements Submit the two weeks your HUSSC application is based on: Separate workbook for each week Lunch only No nutrient assessment needed May use week school was certified on if: The menu was served in the past 6 months The workbook was certified with no changes to the menu required
P RODUCTION R ECORDS Not required for Bronze Award Must have a production record for each menu day served Breakfast Lunch Production records must indicate that the HUSSC items listed on the Menu Worksheets were actually prepared and served If any substitution was made, the menu must still meet HUSSC criteria
P ARTS OF A P RODUCTION R ECORD Calendar lunch menu match production records Purchase units prepared (e.g., pounds, ounces, #10 cans) or number of servings prepared Serving size (portion size) of all items Number of planned servings Number of servings served Number of servings leftover/discarded Milk must be included on production records
S ALAD B AR P RODUCTION R ECORDS Items available Planned Portion Size Amount prepared Amount leftover Additional training on production records may be found at:
T ECHNICAL A SSISTANCE DPI-SNT is happy to help you complete your application Please contact: Alicia Dill, RDN, CD, CDE at or or Kelly Williams, RDN,CD at or
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