Antonio M. Cabrera Manuel R. Cabrera M.D. Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center The Use of Non-Prescription Drugs and Herbal-Based Remedies by Asthmatics
Objective To asses the use of non-prescription drugs and natural home remedies in a group of asthmatics
Introduction ► The use of alternative herbal remedies for chronic ailments in common throughout many culture in the world ► In the United States the use of herbal products has been estimated to be increasing by about 25% per year ► Herbal remedies are most commonly used for allergies and asthma
Methods ► A survey was created regarding the use of non-prescription drugs such as allergy and cold remedies and bronchodilatiors and regarding any home-based remedies in the month prior to hospitalization ► The questionnaires were administered in either Spanish or English, during January 2001 to September 2001, at the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
Results ► 72 surveys were collected ► The ages ranged from years old ► The mean age was 52 years old ► The racial profile is as follows:
Results of Non-Prescription Drugs ► 11 of 72 (15.3%) of patients disclosed taking non-prescription bronchodilators ► 1 of 72 (1.4%) took antihistamines ► 10 of 72 (13.9%) took over-the-counter decongestants or cold remedies
Results of Herbal Remedies ► 43 of 72 (60%) of patients disclosed taking herbal remedies ► 38 of 43 (88.4%) were Hispanic ► 26 of 43 (60.5%) took the herbal remedies in instead of their prescribed asthma medicines ► 32 of 43 (74.4%) took them in combination with their prescribed asthma medicines
Herbal Remedies ► The plant savila (aloe vera) was the most prevalent herbal remedy reported by 32 of 43 (74.4%) patients ► List of other herbal remedies:
Discussion ► Sixty percent of the Hispanic asthmatic population report using herbal-based remedies in the management of their asthma ► The prevalent use of herbal-remedies was in the month prior to hospitalization for an acute asthma attack ► The patients took non-prescription drugs and herbal remedies in attempt to alleviate asthma symptoms
Discussion of Savila ► The most home remedy used was savila commonly known as aloe or aloe vera ► Savila is recognized for its stomach and intestinal usage as well as for skin rashes ► The United States Federal Drug Administration has recognized aloe as safe ► One study suggested an anti-inflammatory effect of aloe in asthma
Discussion of Medical Concerns ► Asthmatics are substituting their prescribed medications with herbal remedies ► There is potential for unrecognized adverse effects. We identified some diabetics preparing home remedies with honey which may result in elevated blood sugar levels. ► Asthmatics may be overly relying on herbal remedies due to dissatisfaction with standard medical care
Conclusion Despite the advances in asthma understanding and medicines the use of herbal-based remedies is prevalent in our Hispanic, mostly Dominican and Puerto Rican, asthmatic population. This is particularly prevalent in middle aged Hispanic women. The efficacy and/or the potential adverse effects of herbal- based remedies need to be examined further. It is important for health care professionals to be aware that not only are patients self-treating their asthma with home herbal remedies but they may also be substituting them for their prescribed asthma medicines.
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