Reading, analyzing, understanding poetry Poetry terms Poets past and present Writing poetry – theme based, style based, free form
What is poetry? How to read a poem Who writes the poems – past and present Talking about poems Analyzing poems Writing poems
Music as poetry Sound devices and poetry Greeting card poetry Webquests Library activities Group Work Poetry Contests – Arts Fest, web publication, student publication
Writing Utensil Little if any homework – Look for grading policy first week Class portfolio – We will keep a collection of poetry in the classroom. Students will choose best poems from each marking period as benchmark collection. Students will bring home portfolio at conclusion of class.
Poetry in Six Dimensions Gonna Make me a Rainbow
Must use agenda to go anywhere Bring writing utensil daily Must have internet policy signed to participate in internet activities Progress Book will be updated on a weekly basis Students should stay on task No gum Respect the classroom Must be on time for class Make up missed work promptly
You may borrow a writing utensil from the filing cabinet. Please return. Once it is empty it won’t be refilled. Feel free to sharpen pencil or throw things away but choose appropriate time. Don’t walk in front of anyone who is talking. Sign out to use restroom.
Many students work published in school literary magazine Can join literary magazine staff Mixed Media School Literary Magazine