Rachel Shankles Lakeside High School Hot Springs, AR
Get some new piece of equipment in there so they will all walk thru once in a while You could add a new poster maker or Cricut or Test grading machine like a Scantron or an art waxer. Make a bulletin board where you take all their photos before school starts and find out how many years they have taught. Make a tree of knowledge with these and put their combined number of years experience. They will all want to see it. Our principal said keep it and put it back out when the monitoring team comes later
Each month put a little candy in a bag and make a card and place in mailboxes of the teachers on staff having bdays that month: Examples: 1)Time to Kiss another year goodbye; thanks for your cooperation. Enjoy some kisses from the library. 2) Garfield- Your secret is safe with me; I won’t tell anyone it’s your birthday...snicker, snicker 3) Rx from LHS Library: Happy Birthday and put a pill bottle full of M and Ms in it
Brown: to temporarily calm your craving for chocolate Red- at the first sign of meeting overload Orange- to minimize “stress” from computer breakdown Green- to calm your frustrations with whining students Yellow- if you feel a headache coming on after jamming the copier Blue- to reduce fatigue from trying to find time to get it all done Directions: Take as needed. If all symptoms appear at the same time, eat the whole bottle.
Bulletin Board ideas- Match the teacher’s feet to his/her photo OR Match the pet to the teacher (they had to bring us photos of their pets and they all wanted to do this) Make READ posters for those that want to come in and talk to you about their favorite book and post them outside their door or the library door—then sell it to them. Big hit each year—use ppt slide or put the photo in word and write on it or use a program like Photoshop. We do this for National Library Week each year. Everyone doesn’t participate. We might even sell the poster to the teachers afterwards to display in their room SCHOOL-WIDE THEMES- SELL SHIRTS TO STAFF
Biology- new framework in forensics Art – ask teacher to plan for AP art to do the Feb or another month’s bulletin board for the library using some technique. We do February about every other year as they study the Harlem Reniassance and them do some posters or famous peoples profiles from that time on my bulletin board in oils or pen and ink or black and white paint.
History - Arkansas Historical Preservation Society has free speakers who will come on 6 subjects like Rohwer or Equal Education in ARK History English – find a reasonably priced new ARK author to invite and give away door prizes of free books OR have a poetry contest that follows the poetry framework of each gradelevel so they will all enter their students’ works Math – have a tesselation drawing contest or give the classes a survey to make charts and graphs with that you make into posters like about the ethnicity of the class EAST Lab – Get them to help you come up with and pull off Teen Tech Week programs using Wiis, Texting Bingo, or a showcase of their software programs at lunch
Luau theme and pretend those retiring have been kicked off the island like Survivor theme Karaoke by department; dress the parts Are you Smarter than a 5 th Grader? Or Jeopardy Games Fun in the Sun- get pails from Dollar Store and fill with potting sand and place
Enables huge poster making like the old Apple IIe where we taped pages together; you can do this for the game templates to hang on wall. Very good quality on a color printer/laser color printer best; you input the size you want and it blows up and prints from the jpeg/picture file
Maps from State of Arkansas are free; as many as you like We made a poem to put with it about finding your way back to LHS in the fall and gave every faculty member who came to the end of year party one. You could put in mailboxes any time of year Order from the State Highway Department as many as you need for free
Set a date, invite speaker on topic and invite classes into library to hear speaker—make a reasonable schedule like 4 th period, lunch (anyone can come in) and 5 th period Select history or science or Authors for English
We will Preserve! Historic Sites of Arkansas Associated with the New Deal The Queen of the Delta: Historic Sites of Helena and the Arkansas Delta Take the Last Train to Clarksville: Arkansas's Historic Depots and Railroad History
Arkansas's Haunted Historic Sites (this program changes every school year) Equal Education: Historic Sites and Schools in Arkansas Associated with the African American Education Experience. Historic Architecture in Arkansas History in Your Backyard (This program can be tailored to a specific community) History Happened in Arkansas? Arkansas's National Historic Landmarks Law and Order on the Western Frontier: Fort Smith National Historic Site Mysteries of the Mound Builders: Parkin and Toltec Archeological Sites Rohwer: Japanese-American Internment in Arkansas
Suicide Prevention Bullying Cybersafety Internet safety Good Choices Underage Drinking Phone:(501) or
Check my wiki for updates and workshops to do with your teachers Catch them in your library’s web Rachel Shankles School