What size is your carbon footprint? Making a Sun dial Believe it or not, it can show you the time. I’m going to show you how to make a Sun dial! What does a Sun dial do?
What size is your carbon footprint? Making a Sun dial What do you think this person is doing?
What size is your carbon footprint? Making a Sun dial 11 o’clock4 o’clock She is standing on the same spot at different times of the day. She is using her shadow to tell the time. Can you see how? Each stick has the number of an hour on it and her shadow points to the right hour. How do you think you could make a clock like this?
What size is your carbon footprint? Making a Sun dial Here is another Sundial. Look closely at both pictures. How do you think it works? What time is it? It is nearly 1 o’clock.
What size is your carbon footprint? Making a Sun dial This PowerPoint and lesson are based on work by Ian Mitchell, The Green Egg Company, developed & edited by Amie Andrews for TLCP and Ali Ross, Sundog Energy. This is another design for a Sundial. Could you make it? What would you need to do?