And with A Project by
A Unique Way for Roll Control Using Upper Body As in Early Aircraft
Theme: Show how early pilots did roll control with their shoulders. Description: The exhibit will feature a partial mock up of the M-109 airplane. It will include the front section of the fuselage, cockpit seat and controls as well as part of the biplane wing structure. A 60 inch flat panel TV will be mounted ahead of the canard. The canard will physically move with the controls. The airplane will be truncated at the wing. The wings will be truncated in length and width.
The simulator will be built in three sections: Main base with front fuselage, cockpit, engine and truncated wings. Two wing extensions, also truncated for artistic completeness. The main base will be capable of stand alone operation.
Forward Section of M-109 that will be fabricated
Using Science Center Guests of Various Ages and Heights
Radiator and Engine Propeller Landing Gear Gas Tank
Initial Base Control Interface Computer Location Two controllers are installed in space – one for roll and a second for pitch
Base with Wing Structure
Base with Landing Gear Positioning Gas Tank
Models: MB1/MB2 M130 China Clipper B-10, B-12, B14 Bomber Series B-26 Marauder Bomber B-57, RB-57 Bombers P3M Flying Boat Series P5M Flying Boat Series PBM5 Mariner P6M Seamaster Martin 202 Airliner Martin 404 Airliner Mace Missile Matador Missile Titan 4C Heavy Lift rocket Lockheed C-130 Cargo Aircraft U-2 Reconnaisance Aircraft SR-71 Reconnaisance Aircraft Lockheed L-1011 TriStar Jet Liner Lockheed L1049 Super Constellation F-80/T-33 Fighter-trainer