DISPLAY MEDIA By: Jerick De Castro
Exhibits Are displays of various objectives and visuals design form an integrate whole for instructional purpose (Heinkh,1993). It can use for instructional purpose in the same ways that the individual components of the exhibit are used.
EXHIBIT AS A TEACHING AIDS Exhibits can be used to reproduce scenes from the past or depict scenes in the location can be seen in the classroom. A table, shelf, or a desk may be a potentials set-up for an exhibit-complex exhibits may require a larger floor space and special structures, like a booth.
TWO TYPES OF EXHIBITS 1. Display- is any array of object, visuals, and printed materials. Most displays include descriptive information about the objects or visual shown (Hernich 1993) 2. Dioramas- Comes from the Greek word di meaning “through” and or meaning “that which is seen, a sight”. The word dioramas literary means “to see through” or through that which is seen “.
CHALKBOARD Once called blackboard, they now come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and color. These media are the most familiar devices used by teacher and students to present data.
MAGNETIC BOARD This serves the same purpose with the cloth board. Visual are back with magnets and then placed on the metal surface of the board. Visuals with magnetic backing are available from educational stories. Can be improvised through flat galvanized iron sheet. The major advantages of the magnetic board over the cloth is the ease and quickness in maneuvering visuals.
FLIP BOARD This is a pad of large paper fastened together at the top.Individual sheets of the flip board each hold a limit verbal/visual message and can be arranged for sequential presentation to a small group.