Stara Lubovna
General information area : 30,79 km ² population : altitude : 545 m rivers : Poprad Jakubianka
History first mentioned as Libenow belonged to the 16 Spis towns given by Sigismund of Luxemburg to Vladislav II the territory come back to the Kindom of Hungary
Important personalities Jan Kubasek 15 th april 1885 – 16 th june emigration to USA Pittsburg agreement Jan Melkovic 24 th april 1939 – 21 st march 2004 actor, musical composer, pianist theatre RND
Lubovniansky castle altitude : 711m 1311 – first written mention renovations - 16 th century - 17 th century Maurice Benyovszky
Interesting events Hawker’s performance Falcon Group of Saint Bavonna of Banska Stiavnica summer atraction on luboviansky castle Key from the bastille like a Bastille Boyard high schools participate difficult disciplines and physical exercise
Medieval army camp pictures of soldier’s life in 16th century many different medieval atractions lots of walking routes
Open-air museum opened for people exposition of national folclor architecture thematic rooms Archangel Gabriel’s wooden chapel built moved to Stara Lubovna sainted again
St. Nicolaus square rectangle groundplan fire destroyed houses St. Nicolaus church fountain with lights
Thank you for your attention Stanislava Varkondiova Michaela Turcinova 2.A