The Baltic Sea Region as a pilot region for innovative, clean and safe maritime projects By Bjarke Wiehe Bøtcher, Chief Advisor Priority Area Coordinator Danish Maritime Authority
The 4 EU macro-regional strategies so far: -EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (since 2009) -EU Strategy for the Danube Region (since 2011) -EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (from 2014) -Potential future EU Strategy for the Alpine Region -More regions have expressed interest.
Why Baltic Sea Region cooperation Similarities Differences Common Challenges
EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Save the Sea Connect the Region Increase prosperity
e-Navigation Transport of dangerous goods Safety in fisheriesRe-surveying of shipping routes Winter navigation in icy waters Priority Area on Maritime Safety and Security Become a leading region in maritime safety and security
Priority Area on Clean Shipping – Creating a model region for clean shipping
More challenges to overcome..
Official recognition in the EU Strategy Political attention Access to exhibit results & meet people Assistance to convey project results to policy level Access to seed-money facility Networking with other projects Expected in the future: facilitated application Why do the projects get involved?
Identified topics of key importance in the Baltic Sea Region: Creating an LNG infrastructure in the Baltic Sea Region and retrofitting/building vessels for LNG Better Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring of SECA-regulations Finalising the development and early deployment of e-Navigation in the Baltic Sea Completing resurveying of shipping routes, ports and other sea areas of the Baltic Sea Future investment priorities – food for thought
EU macro-regional cooperation can help boost the interest for developing and prioritising projects on clean shipping and maritime safety in the respective macro-regions. Some issues are better handled at global or all-European level. In case of joint challenges across the macro-regions – let´s cooperate.
Thank you for your attention & have a nice day! Further information: EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Priority Area on Maritime Safety and Security Priority Area on Clean Shipping