Food Assistance/Employment First Desk Aide
Employment First Exemptions
Caregiver of a child under the age of 6 (including ancillary member) The Household Relationship screen is where the exemption for a parent who is taking care of a child under the age of 6 will be recorded. Make sure that only one parent is exempted for caregiver of a child under the age of 6 not both parents, even if there are 2 kids under the age of 6 years old. Steps: -Select the parent you are going to exempt and the child that is under 6 years old. -Make sure there is a check mark in the box for exerts parental care and control box.
Caregiver of an incapacitated member (including ancillary member) Once a worker has received a medical statement confirming that someone is the caregiver for an ill or incapacitated person the worker can enter the information into CBMS for the caregiver and they will be exempt from EF. The screen the worker needs to fill out for exempting someone for taking care of an ill or incapacitated person is called the Employability Details screen. On the Employability Details screen, the worker will need to enter a “Yes” where it asks caregiver of an ill or incapacitated household member and record the verification as received.
Colorado Works The information needed to exempt someone from EF because they are pending or receiving benefits for Colorado Works can be found in wrap up on the Wrap Up – Eligibility Summary. Eligibility Result must be Pending or Pass for one of the following: Colorado Works, County Diversion, Non Monetary Services or Family Preservation.
CRSP (Colorado Refugee Services Program) Worker will need to enter information on Non Citizen screen in order for a client to be exempted from EF. Status must be “CRSP Refugee”. Information is also entered on the Unearned Income Detail (located on the unearned tab then the type will be “CO Refugee Services/VOLAG” and the application/approval status will be pending.
Disabled (non SSI) Disabled (non SSI) exemptions include: -Client provides a medical statement confirming they are unable to work. -Client brings in confirmation they applied for SSI -The client is receiving AND. -The client is obviously mentally or physically unfit (only worker can make this decision). -Client turned in a Med-9 in lieu of a doctor’s note. If a client has already applied for SSI and was denied, they are still mandatory for EF unless they provide a doctor’s note. Appealing the SSI denial does not exempt them from EF. The worker will fill out the Medical Conditions screen. The worker will fill out this screen with the appropriate effective begin and end dates. The worker needs to check “No” for able to work and disability type will be either “permanent” or “temporary”, it can never be undetermined. If a client provides a Med-9 for their AND eligibility the information on the Med-9 can also be used to exempt client from EF.
Disabled (non SSI) continued OR: Income Details/Unearned Income Income Type must be one of the following: Social Security DisabilityVeterans Aid and Attendance Railroad DisabilitySocial Security Disabled Adult Child Black LungVeterans 100% DisabilityPrivate Disability Other Government Disability OR: Wrap Up – Eligibility Summary (1-3) 1.Program Group must be Adult Financial 2.Participation Status must be Eligible 3.Aid Code must be one of the following: AB SSI/CS (AF)AB SSI/CS AFC (AF) AB SSI/CS Grandfathered (AF) AB SSI/CS HCA(AF) AB SSI/CS PNA (AF) AB Treatment (AF) AND SSI/CS (AF) AB SSI/CS AFC (AF) AND SSI/CS Grandfathered (AF) AND SSI/CS HCS (AF) AND SSI/CS PNA (AF) State AB (AF) State AB HCA (AF) State AB PNA (AF) State AND (AF) State AND HCA (AF) State AND PNA (AF)
Adult Financial Must be eligible
Disabled receiving SSI, VA benefits (100% disabled), SSA Disability, or Railroad Disability If the client is receiving SSI payments, SSA disability payments, VA benefits (100% disabled), or railroad disability then the client is exempt from EF. The worker will need to enter the type of benefit and the approval status either needs to be pending or approved in order for CBMS to read that the client is exempt from EF. This information will be recorded on the Unearned Income screen.
Job attached Job-attached persons (those on temporary layoff or those expecting to return to work within 60 days) shall be exempt from EF for 60 days and at that time worker shall review the job attached status. The worker will need to check “ Yes ” in the job attached field on the Individual Attributes screen in order for CBMS to read the client is exempted from EF.
Migrant Seasonal Farm Workers The Individual Attributes screen must have “Yes” checked next to the Migrant/Seasonal Farm Worker Field. AND Earned Income Type must be “Migrant Continuing Income Source.”
Migrant Continuing Income Source
Over maximum age (60 and over) Under minimum age (under 16) 16/17 year old not head of HH The information needed to be recorded is the client’s date of birth on the Individual Demographics screen. If the client is 16/17 years old you will either need to collect the student detail or list them as “non HOH”. The decision tables in CBMS will read this information for EF and exempt the client. *On their 60 th birthday a client is exempt from EF. *A 16 or 17 year old is exempt only if they are a member of a household. If they are head of household they are mandatory unless otherwise exempted. *Even if a 16 or 17 year old member of a household is not in school they cannot be mandated to participate with EF.
Significant Drug or Alcohol Treatment If the client is in significant drug or alcohol rehab program the client is exempt from EF. On the Conviction/Parole/Rehab screen: Attending Rehab Program must be yes. Type of Program must be one of the following: Alcohol>1/2 time, OR Drug> ½ time, OR Alcohol & Drug ½ time. On the Individual Attributes: Living Arrangement: Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center.
Pregnant If a client is pregnant they are exempted from participating in the EF program. On the Pregnancy screen the information that the decision tables in CBMS look at is whether or not the client is still pregnant (no disposition) and if the expected due date is greater than today. If no disposition is entered in CBMS and there are no other children in the household CBMS decision tables will look at that client as an ABAWD at the first of the next month after due date and the client will start accruing tickets. (example: due date is 12/25/05 and no disposition of pregnancy is entered she will coded as an ABAWD effective 01/01/06)
Student (High School Diploma or Higher Education) On the Student Detail screen under the school information make sure in addition to the required fields that there is a date entered in the actual begin date field. The record cannot be end dated. School Type = Community College, High school, Trade School, or University. Enrolled Status = Full Time or Half time and more. Participant status = Attending or Registered. Note: If a client is over 18 and enrolled in a GED program, they are still mandatory for EF. If the client is over 18 and enrolled in a program to get high school diploma they are exempt no matter their age.
Student (High School Diploma or Higher Education) Continued AND Case Individual The Actual Begin Date of School must be BEFORE OR THE DAY OF FA Request Date. (High School automatically exempts if the record is not end dated)
Student exemption cont’d On the Student Details screen under Attendance Details the enrolled status and the participation level, either full time or half time. The participant status must also say “attending”. Full Time Attending
Unemployment (receiving or pending) In the Income Detail screen click on Unearned Income all required fields for food assistance need to be filled out. In addition, the application/approval status either needs to say “pending” or “approved” in order for the decision tables to read the client is exempt from EF.
Vocational Rehab participant prior to EF referral Employment Training Detail screen: Record must be current (Not End Dated) and “Type” = “Vocational Rehab”, “WIA”, or 1974 Trade Act. AND Case Detail: “Employment Training Begin Date” is prior to FS “Request Date” – Program Requested tab
Work Exemption (30 hours per week or $ per week) On the Employment History screen: Estimated Average Hrs/Week must be 30 or more Employment Type must be one of the following: Permanent (over 90 days) or Temporary (30-90) days Monthly Amount Earned >=Minimum Wage x 30 x
There are 9 fields required to be filled out on the Employment History screen : Effective begin date Self-employed - “Yes” or “No” Begin date (date client started their job) Name of employer Telephone number Verification and source Employment type Monthly amount earned (for $ per week exemption) Estimated/average hours per week (for 30 hours or more per week exemption) The information listed MUST be entered on the Employment History screen. Keep in mind this screen is a data only screen, the information entered on this screen effects EF eligibility only. The information will not be used to determine eligibility.
Earned Income must be >= Minimum Wage x 30
Who is an ABAWD? Age 18 – 49; and No children in the food stamp household under age 18; and Not pregnant; and Not exempt for any other reason (Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents)
An ABAWD may receive only Welfare Reform 3 months of benefits during a 36-monthtime period without meeting the ABAWD work requirement
Who is a non- ABAWD? Age 18 – 49 with children under age 18 and older than 6 in the food stamp household; or Age 50-60; or Not exempt for any other reason To
Welfare Reform for Non-ABAWDS: There are no time clocks or time limits for Non- ABAWDs They are still mandated to participate in EF Non-ABAWDs are sanctioned if they do not work with the EF program.
Should we take this out?
Bottom half of Work Registration Form 1 st appt must be within 14 days of ‘Today’s Date’ at top of form
Who can sanction? Food Assistance Worker Voluntary Quit – reference Voluntary Quit Provision Good Cause for Quit for reducing work hours. Failure to cooperate with the Employment First program. Employment First Worker
Length of EF Sanctions First sanction 1 month or until the participant complies or becomes exempt.
Second Sanction 3 months and until they comply or become exempt.
Third and all subsequent sanctions = 6 months and until they comply or become exempt.
Once the sanction period begins the sanction lasts until the time is up AND The person complies or regains*
Comply Attend comply orientation, complete competencies class, 8 hours of workfare, and completion of sanction period if sanction has already started. Regain Attend comply orientation, complete competencies class, and 8 hours of workfare.
When can client comply? IF before the sanction period begins: - STOPSthe sanction - Comply notice sent to FA worker If during the sanction period: - Comply notice sent to FA worker - Sanction over at end of sanction period If after the sanction period: - Comply notice sent to FA worker - Sanction ends
What if I Become Exempt During a Sanction? An exemption stops a sanction Person is not required to serve the remainder of the sanction period (if any).
The following exemptions will also stop a sanction: Applying for or Receiving Colorado Works Applying for or Receiving Unemployment Insurance Applying for or Receiving Colorado Refugee Services Program (CRSP)
How do I tell if someone is sanctioned. 1. Go into the Individual Compliance screen and if there is an “No” in the comply field then the client is sanctioned. 2. Be sure to double check on the Sanctions, Disqualification and POI screen. If the sanction shows as active and it’s a sanction for food assistance then the client is sanctioned.
How do I enter a sanction into CBMS? 1. Go into the Individual Compliance screen. 2. Enter the following into the Individual Compliance screen: 3. Pick the appropriate person from the drop down. Hit the add button. · Effective Begin Date field: enter today’s date · Type: choose ‘Failed to Sign EF Referral’ from the drop down menu · Comply [Y/N]: Check “No” · Good Cause: Choose ‘No good cause’ from the drop down menu · Verification: Choose ‘Received’ from the drop down menu · Source: Choose ‘Work programs’ from the drop down menu · Enter information in the Comment field (this information will automatically be saved in case comments). · Click on the Apply button on the bottom right hand corner of screen. · Click on the Save button
4. Run EDBC and authorize case. 5. CBMS will automatically post the sanction information on the Display Sanctions, Disqualifications, and Periods of Ineligibility screen. (do not enter anything on this screen) 6. The NOA will be mailed automatically.
How do I comply a sanction when client has turned in exemption verification for EF?