You wake to the sound of knocking on your door. It’s the middle of the night, and you’re covered in the cold sweat of the nightmares that had just clouded your mind. So real, they seemed so real. You hear talking. You wonder if this has anything to do with the dark creatures that you have been seeing, dreaming about. Keeping that in mind, do you: Go open the door to see who or what it is. Go open the door to see who or what it is. Wait to see if who/whatever it is will go away. Wait to see if who/whatever it is will go away.
You open the door to see two figures arguing. One is a girl wearing a long lacey dress so old fashioned that you would only ever see it at a costume party, and knee high combat boots. She had pin straight, black hair and was probably the prettiest girl that you had ever seen. The boy was like seeing the girl in guy form. The same black hair and blue eyes. The only difference was there skin tone. They still haven’t noticed you. Do you: Try to catch their attention? Try to catch their attention? Go back to your room and climb out the window to get away. Go back to your room and climb out the window to get away.
When you eventually come back your life goes back to normal and you never see those people again. The End The End
You tap the girl on the shoulder and say “Who are you and what do you want?” They both turn and stare. Finally the girl saunters over says “I am Isabel, call me Izzy, and this is my brother Alec. All we want to do is help you.” She pauses and then says” Have you been seeing dark creatures, like the ones that don’t normally belong to the human world? The human world? You think. They are waiting on an answer, do you: Tell them everything about your encounters with odd creatures, and dark shadows. Tell them everything about your encounters with odd creatures, and dark shadows. Lie and tell them that you have no idea what they are talking about and that you will call the police if they don’t leave. Lie and tell them that you have no idea what they are talking about and that you will call the police if they don’t leave.
You tell them to leave after you lie and they leave. You go back to your normal life, and never see those creatures or those people again. The End. The End.
You tell them everything, about all of your odd encounters and weird visions, even your dreams. They nod at each other and say you need to come with us, because you might be one of us. What does that mean? Just then your hear a huge crash. The next thing you know you are sprawled across the floor, staring up at what looked like a mix between an octopus and a huge troll. Isabel and Alec are already up, pulling out long sharp swords that looked almost transparent. They start to fight the thing that has now turned your house into a pile of garbage. Isabel runs over to you and says “come with us!” Do you: Get up and leave with them. Get up and leave with them. Stay at your house and refuse to go with them. Stay at your house and refuse to go with them.
You refuse to go with them. The thing attacks you, its tentacles slithering around slowly, ever so slowly until you can’t feel anything, and you can’t breathe. You black out, and you are never seen again. The End The End
You take Isabel’s hand and go with them. When you finally find a safe place to stop, the first thing you say: What….what was..that…..thing?” “A demon” Alec says. At that moment you black out. You wake up in a room. A room that may as well been a hospital from way back in the day. Confused you stand up and a girl that you don’t know says “this is the institute, the home of Shadow Hunters. You, are a shadow hunter, like me, like anyone else in this building, except Simon, she noted. She was a fairly short girl with freckled covered skin and fiery red curls. I’m Clary, said the girl, and this is Jace, She nodded toward a guy who had just entered the room. He was like an angel up close with his blonde hair and beautiful golden eyes. His skin glowed and you swear you swear you thought he was an angel at first. He walks over to Clary and gives her a short kiss on the cheek. Taken, you think to yourself. Then they kiss for real. Do you: Awkwardly stand there until they are done Awkwardly stand there until they are done Walk out of the room to explore the institute. Walk out of the room to explore the institute.
When you walk out you run into a person “sorry!” you say. When you look up you are not in the institute anymore, instead you are standing in front of a dog. But it wasn’t just a dog; the dog had a crazy viscous look in his eye. All of the sudden he morphs into something so ugly, so gross that you can’t even describe it. You black out, and you never see the light of day again. The End The End
You stand there, trying not to stare, until they turn to look at you. “Come on” Says the guy “we have to start training to become true Shadow Hunters.” The End The End
You wait to see if they go away, when they don’t, you start to freak-out. You decide to hide until they go away. You go through the bathroom that is connected to your room to the opposite end of the hallway. Then you dash across for the stairs, which creep down hoping not to make a noise. When you end up in the kitchen, you decide that it would be safer to just leave. So you grab your phone and quietly open the door, hoping, hoping that it won’t creek. You successfully get out of the house and you dash for your neighbor’s house. The next day, the people are gone, and your life goes back to normal, for now. The End The End