WHY COMPUTER SCIENCE? Technology is EVERYWHERE! There is no doubt you will use technology in your future career. Computer Science teaches you to use technology to solve problems. Computer Science teaches you to think abstractly and logically. You can design and make REALLY COOL programs!
FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE What is it? Foundations of Computer Science is an introduction to the world of computer science and problem solving and aligns well with many career pathways including: Information Technology, Engineering and Design, and Arts, Media and Entertainment Technology among others. Human Computer Interaction – Problem Solving – Web Design – Intro to Programming – and MORE!
FOUNDATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY Who should take this class? Students who have completed Algebra 1 Students who are still exploring possible career paths Students interested in computer science but not quite ready for the more rigorous Principles class
PRINCIPLES OF COMPUTER SCIENCE What is it? Computer Science Principles is a new computer science course designed to give students foundational computing skills, an understanding of the real-world impact of computing applications, and programming literacy. (This is a pilot of the AP Computer Science Principles class which will be offered school year.) Creativity – Abstraction - Data and Information – Algorithms Programming - The Internet - Global Impact
COMPUTER SCIENCE PRINCIPLES Who should take this class? Students who have completed Algebra 1 Students considering any STEM or business field that requires a degree Students interested in computer science but are not quite ready for the rigors of AP Computer Science Students ready to work creatively and collaboratively to solve problems
MORE INFORMATION Foundations of Computer Science will utilize the Exploring Computer Science Curriculum: Computer Science Principles is piloting the AP Computer Science curriculum: Contact Nora Blasko with any questions about these classes: