Welcome to… Powerful, Dexterity-based Applications for Microsoft Business Solutions’ Great Plains Select and Professional Editions
To help you get your job done quickly and efficiently That is straightforward and functional That is designed for ease of use Our Goal We’re sincerely interested in creating problem-free software... Our goal is to create software that continues to work for you, especially when time is critical.
A Little Background Founded in 1987, Horizons International has worked exclusively with MBS software products. In 1987 we developed custom additions for Great Plains’ character-based product using Magic PC. In 1993 we began to create applications in Dexterity that seamlessly link to Dynamics and eEnterprise.
“Make the software work for the client.” Our San Diego Offices Horizons International
Our Customers Succeed Lowest Cost Sign-up and Support Options Consulting and Implementation Services Staffing Complete Integration with GP Financials and Distribution A single software suite that fits ALL manufacturing industry types Extensive Documentation Software Enhancements ASAP Technical Support Partner and Customer Classroom Training We do everything we can to make your job easier by providing...
Product Lines Horizons Manufacturing Suite (HMS) The hZ Cross Industry Products hZ Configurator (with HMS or stand alone) Sales Configuration Manufacturing Configuration with HMS hZ Item Pricing Matrix Custom Pricing Calculations tailored to your customer’s requirements Product Plan and Supply Complete inventory control
Horizons Manufacturing Suite (HMS) Released in January, 1996 as Horizons Light Manufacturing With over 350 active sites worldwide Services Great Plains Select and Professional Editions Discrete, batch process and mixed mode manufacturers Designed for use by small to medium sized companies with between 1 and 100 million in sales
HMS Customers 20% Select – PSQL – Pervasive - Btrieve Professional – MS SQL 40% 60%
What Kinds of Products Discrete Jewelry Greenhouse Plants Electronics Computer Hardware Circuit Boards Semi-Conductors Consumer Electronics Office Equipment Lighting Equipment CD ROMs & Games Furniture Office Materials Automotive Parts Construction Materials Bricks Welding Wood floors Medical Equipment Recreational Supplies Golf Clubs Exercise Equipment Horse Tack
What Kinds of Products Process Chemicals Organic Fertilizers Ag Chemicals Adhesives Inks Pharmaceuticals Botanical Diagnostic Substances Vitamin Products Plastic Products Plastic Film Laminates Gaskets Bags Extruded and Molded Paper Bags Fuel Additives Lumber Milling Food Producers Canned foods Beverages Frozen Pastas and Sauces
Our customers have said: “Horizons has been a very cost effective manufacturing software for us. Also, we have enjoyed working with Horizons as they respond quickly when we call for support and they have met our customizing needs in a timely and efficient manner.” Joey Vaccaro, Operations Manager with Trueline Valves
Current Modules for HMS BOM (Bill of Materials) Production Entry (Work Orders) Router Serial / Lot Number Tracking WIP (Work in Process) MRP (Material Requirements Planning) MPS (Manufacturing Production Scheduling) ECO (Engineering Change Orders) Sales Order Configurator
Future Modules for HMS Shop Floor Control Reports (Updated) Forecasting Reverse Manufacturing (Updated) Disassemble (Updated)
BOM with Production Entry Standard and Reverse Bill of Materials Unlimited Sub Assembly Levels Auto Create Production from Sales Orders Enter Standard or Actual costs Flexible Copy/Replace for easy BOM Maintenance Graphical Tree View Production Work Orders Disassemble Posted Work Orders
BOM Maintenance Window Input BOMs or Import them with the results displayed in this window
BOM Tree View The tree on the left and the specifics of the choice on the right
Production Entry Window Access to everything that affects a Work Order via one screen
Router Automatic routing Routing Sequencing Shop Floor Scheduling
Router See every aspect of a particular router setup in this screen
Serial / Lot Number Tracking Assign serial or lot numbers Auto assign or manual assign Trace components through finished goods Detailed reporting of History, Customers and Items Food and Medical Industry use
Serial / Lot Number Tracking Track an item threaded through PO receipt, production, to the end buyer via SOP
Reverse Manufacturing Reverse Production allows the production of multiple finished goods from one source items Already here, a more enhanced module is planned for 2003
Reverse Finished Goods Create multiple finished good lines from one input component
Disassemble Reverse the posting of production credit/decrement the finished good debit/increase the components and subassemblies Original Quantity to Post may be disassembled Designate the Dynamics site/location to post to/from Finished Good Components/ Subassemblies Already here, a more enhanced module is planned for 2003
Disassemble Break Finished Good items into components their component parts
Work In Process (WIP) Allows additions, deletions to the Work Order Transfer materials from multiple locations Print Gross Requirements Reports Picking List Shortage Report and others Final adjustments Change quantity used Add planned or unplanned scrap Rejected items Return unused quantities back to Dynamics Inventory
WIP Move components between Locations and Work Centers.
Finals Adjust final quantities of both components and finished goods for correct yield
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Base requirements on: Work Orders, Sales Orders and Forecasts Automatic selection of vendors Designated Vendor Lowest Cost Shortest Lead Time Dynamics Vendor Calculate requirements on build dates and vendor lead times Input additional items Flexible editing of all line items Auto create Purchase Orders for POP
MRP See the basis for the requirement in the MRP Schedule window.
Auto create a PO for what do you need to order, in what quantities and when. MRP
Manufacturing Production Scheduling (MPS) See Work Orders, Sales Orders, Forecasts Change Production dates to meet limitations Infinite Scheduling without regards to plant capacity See Conflicts and Available times Adjust Work Orders to fit capacity See: Quantity Time Line Sales Orders Work Orders Purchase Orders All across time as they affect the stock levels.
Graphic view of production schedules. MPS
Forecasting Auto-create forecasts based on past sales history Vary Forecasts by percent or quantity change Floating Reorder Level Entry by Period of the year The Quantity To Order can be specified separately from the Reorder Level Release planned for 2003
Forecast Entry
Capacity Planning Issues Look at time to build With WIP Look at factory time With Router Look at time per Work Center
Engineering Change Orders (ECO) Graphic Selection Tree For Planned, In Use or Historical ECO’s/BOMs. Alphanumeric ECO, Revision and Change Request numbers with decimal sub numbers Unlimited Comments for ECOs, Revisions, and Approvals Manufacturer’s Part Number specific to each Revision to change with effective date Optional Sequence Checking for date and revision number Manually process ECO’s daily in mass or allow the next production work order to trigger effective dates.
Sales Order Configurator Quote price on a configured item: Roll up component prices, use List Price, or use Dynamics’ pricing. Rules based constraints and dependencies (to show or auto-select items). Setup to select from only one option group. Min/Max quantities. Mark items as required. Auto- add standard and required items. Visualize quickly with a graphic selection tree with unlimited levels. Create a Sales Order and/or Bill of Materials and/or Work Order from the configured item. Put Kits together on the fly.
Option groups are the basis for a configuration. All you need to see in one place. Sales Order Configurator
Use the option groups to customize the customer’s purchase. Sales Order Configurator
Create Customized Pricing structures based on a variety of options including: Customer Item Location Customer Class Item Class Discounts and Promotional Pricing Get Best Price feature allows the system to get the lowest price possible Price List feature allows the sales person to get select the lowest price possible Item Pricing Matrix
Item Pricing Matrix
Maintain strict control over your inventory Helps reduce inventory levels Helps eliminate stock-outs Helps you anticipate demand Automatically create purchase orders Product Plan and Supply
HMS Training Partner and Customer training in a modern facility in San Diego, California Partners can also elect to attend a session at any of the North American Business Solutions events Learn: Manufacturing Concepts Effective Use of Manufacturing Suite Modules How to Fit Factory Procedures to the Manufacturing Suite
Enhancements The Product Enhancement Program gives access to the latest software upgrades First Year is mandatory with purchase Annual Renewal optional More Information from Web Site at
Future Plans for HMS HMS series of modules complete New Manuals Functionality Procedures Help Screens VB.NET programming along with Dex to move to.NET Rewrite to accommodate ease of use New Screens New Procedures New ease of use instructions
Where are we going? Part of Microsoft Business Solutions world We have made a commitment to enhance our Dexterity package for Great Plains Select and Professional Editions We are beginning to move to.NET now Where Microsoft Business Solutions ventures, so will we.
Why Horizons? With three teams to serve you – great support Horizons International, Inc. Microsoft Business Solutions Your Partner Together we are keeping pace with tech changes so you don’t have to.
Thanks for your consideration Horizons International, Inc X 2
A Bright Future