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Micro Hydro Power Adapted from : –Don Harris –Practical Action –Appropedia –Energy Information Administration
Hydroelectrc is 3%
Most of that 3% is from large hydroelectric plants
SizePower OutputTypical Use Large>10MWUsually part of a large grid. Small1MW-10MW Usually grid intertied. (up to 50MW in Canada [1] ) [1] Mini100kW-1,000kW (1MW) Community and industry. Often grid intertied. Micro1kW-100kW Small low energy consuming community, small industry, rural high energy consuming household. Usually off-grid. Pico<1kW Radio tower, low energy consuming household, charging station. Almost always off grid. Classification
SizePower Output Large>10MW Small1MW-10MW Mini100kW-1,000kW (1MW) Micro1kW-100kW Pico<1kW What does that look like?
Manicaland Province of Zimbabwe The power of water electrifies remote Andean villages – Practical Action PeruThe power of water electrifies remote Andean villages Turgo Turbines
Micro Hydro Small in scale Minimum environmental impact Site specific: you must have the resource Affordable Consistent: Produces continuously, 24/7 Don Harris
High headMedium headLow head Impulse turbinesPelton Turgo Multi-jet Pelton cross-flow multi-jet Pelton Turgo cross-flow Reaction turbines Francis Pump-as-turbine (PAT) propeller Kaplan Classification of turbine types. Source: Micro-hydro Design Manual, IT Publications, 1993 Types of Systems
Pelton and Turgo Impulse – jet of water 4 “ Don Harris
Turbines are turned by water. That turning motion drives a generator which produced electricity. Don Harris
The Intake Diverting clean water into the penstock Screen Start of Penstock Steam Flow The intake’s job: Filter and Settle Build it either: Simple and easy to repair Or Bullet-proof Don Harris
The Intake Diverting clean water into the penstock ScreenStart of Penstock Steam Flow A dirty creek may need more settling time Overflow Don Harris
Penstock A full pipe; delivering clean water to the turbine Don Harris
Burying Pipe Burying a pipe line removes the biggest eyesore of a hydro scheme. It is vital to ensure a buried penstock is properly and meticulously installed –subsequent problems such as leaks are much harder to detect and rectify. Don Harris
Penstock Support System PVC likes to stay straight HDPE can follow the contour of the ground Don Harris
Alternative Power & Machine Economy models Permanent magnet units Accessories Exercise Bicycle Type Battery Chargers, etc. Niche: Ease of maintenance and adjustment Don Harris
Make your own Don Harris
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