HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Green & Healthy Homes Initiative Lead Safe Housing Program Energy Smart Program Housing Rehab Program
replaces stand-alone programs comprehensive and seamless process creates safer and more stable homes improves the health of children and families produces higher-quality green jobs
Combines housing interventions Weatherization Energy Efficiency Health Safety
LEAD HAZARD CONTROL GRANT Community Outreach: Over 200 activities were carried out Idea House Open Houses South Town Expo Fair Elementary School Assemblies Head Start Clinic Ethnic Affairs Presentation 18,000 people were provided information about the hazards of lead.
LEAD HAZARD CONTROL GRANT Combo projects: CDBG and HOME programs funded rehabilitation of single family homes and rental units that have Lead Hazard Control (LHC) eligible units. These units have received funding to cover the cost of lead hazard control. The Salt Lake County Lead Safe Housing Program is working closely with the Salt Lake City housing rehabilitation program for single family homes and rental housing projects.
LEAD HAZARD CONTROL GRANT units have been completed and cleared and made lead safe. This includes both single family and multi-family units.
LEAD HAZARD CONTROL GRANT Lead Safe Housing Projects risk assessments work write-ups construction costs for lead safe housing projects located anywhere in Salt Lake County. To date over 900 units have been made lead safe.
EECBG GRANT New Grant with Stimulus Funds Implement Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency Projects. Initiatives were identified Spur Job Growth, Build New Projects Create New Energy Efficiency Infrastructure
SALT LAKE COUNTY’S ENERGY PROJECTS Installation of photo voltaic solar panels on County facilities Salt Lake County’s most capital intensive project maximizing investment with the new “power purchase agreement” (PPA).
SALT LAKE COUNTY’S ENERGY PROJECTS Retrofitting streetlights Energy efficient light emitting diode (LED) lighting. Upgrades and retrofits of Street lights with 70 to 250 watt LED fixtures Dark Sky Compliant Old Street Light Head
SALT LAKE COUNTY’S ENERGY PROJECTS Purchased materials needed for 1,751 streetlights to begin the project. New Cobra Light Head
Acorn Light Decorative Acorn Light Town & Country Light
SALT LAKE COUNTY’S ENERGY PROJECTS Salt Lake County Planning upgraded their codes and enforcement to allow for use of Wind Solar Hydro Energy Efficiency This project was completed June of this year (2011).
“ENERGY SMART” PROGRAM A portion of the EECBG funds were used to: educate Salt Lake County residents on the benefits of energy efficiency Provide opportunities to integrate energy efficiency into their lives and homes
“ENERGY SMART” PROGRAM Program Includes: Marketing Outreach Education Grants & Low Interest Loans
“ENERGY SMART” PROGRAM Grants & Low Interest Loans Opportunity to finance significant energy home improvements helping many households who otherwise may be unable to make these energy efficient retrofits.
SALT LAKE COUNTY’S ENERGY PROJECTS 80 energy smart projects were completed Lighting program was completed solar panel project is underway.
NACCED’S 36 TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Thank You Karen Wiley Salt Lake County Community Resources & Development