INTRO For my image project I used the progress of the U.S. military from the 1850s to our modern era. I wanted to show how power has changed over the centuries but still stood for one powerful point. In every picture you can see how uniforms changed, what types of weapons were used, and even what types of warfare the years consisted of. Throughout the world people know of the power of the U.S. military over the years and victories we’ve achieved so I decided that it would reflect power clearly. Power is worth looking at in this case because it can show several types of meaning, emotionally and physically, and can affect people in several different ways. I would like my audience to look at my project as a whole. Though several years separate the images they all represent power that the U.S. military has consisted. The Vietnam image really touched me because I have been to that location before. After my senior year in high school our class visited Washington and saw this Vietnam wall of casualties from the war. The wall is literally hundreds of feet long consisting of thousands of names so the distraught in the man’s body language really expresses his sorrow for his lost friends and soldiers. The power given from this photo is emotionally because the man is outright feeling sorrow. The other photo that was important to me was the image of the slaves prepared for battle in the revolutionary war. These slaves were looked at as property instead of men but yet they still had to fight for a country who hated them. The power of the government in the U.S. forced these men to fight for a pointless meaning. The WWI and WWII images help me learn the most about the military. Each of these were major wars in the U.S. along with most of the wars being fought oversees on foreign territories. Both wars brought the best out in our militaries and showed how powerful we can be by affecting the wars in positive ways for our country. The photos to me are slightly scary and dark which displays how these wars were. The analysis helped me make a better opinion of the photos I chose and allowed me to understand how the photos represented power. Being able to focus on just a select few of the images really helped my understanding of them. The process from making this project taught me if you take a project slow and work on it that a lot of work can all fit together. I chose several different photos but they all fit together somehow in my opinion. Hopefully in the future I will have to do other projects somewhat along the same lines and this one and I will know exactly how I want it done. This project definitely helped me learn how images can be described and fit in to one large category such as power.
Image Title: The Beginning Bibliographic Citation: Topic: The revolutionary War Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Painting Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative Found Where: /research/military/american- revolution/pictures/images/revolutionary-war- 044.jpg&imgrefurl= erican- revolution/pictures/&h=1039&w=1477&sz=375&tbnid=eDD287W_l QyvcM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=155&zoom=1&usg=__L6OeA9fk9od7Ye w3ZdKFriNgagw=&docid=EbifXJR1C9cQRM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=CA ArUcCEL5H88QSyioHABw&sqi=2&ved=0CE8Q9QEwBA&dur=1491 Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image? This image brought a full view of the revolutionary war to its onlookers. What Does This Image State About Power? This Image shows the power of the early military of the U.S and the strength they had to overcome the British. Why Do You State So? How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This images expresses the beginning of the U.S. Military 1.
Image Title: Everyone Plays a Role Bibliographic Citation: Topic: Blacks in the Revolutionary War Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative Found Where: Found How: Google search Why Select This Image? I chose this image because I though it would touch some people emotionally. Blacks at this time were still in slavery yet they had to fight for a country that doesn’t even acknowledge them as human beings. What Does This Image State About Power? This image shows that anyone around this time can help for a bigger cause and increase a army’s power. Why Do You State So? Because its true, a larger army is a more powerful one. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image fits in with the U.S. military as well as the movement forward.
Image Title: Real Violence Bibliographic Citation: Topic: WWI Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Persuasive Found Where: Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image? After the revolutionary war the U.S. basically stayed out of conflict besides the civil war. Since I’m displaying the movement forward in the U.S. military WWI was next in line and this image fitted in perfectly. What Does This Image State About Power? This image shows power by the new inventions used in WWI. A machine gun and gas mask show the new aspects of war and the power of the new equipment. Why Do You State So? These soldiers faced deadly gases in WWI along with trench warfare. By the end of the war millions of soldiers died which displays the power of new warfare. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)?
Image Title: Advancement Bibliographic Citation: Topic:WWII Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Expressive Found Where: Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image? I thought the image showed how new advancements in WWII made the war more interesting and affected how people fought. What Does This Image State About Power? This image shows power of new air advantages in war. Why Do You State So? Because thousands of plains were built in WWII and were used in battle. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? It fits in with the progress of the U.S. military.
Image Title: The Forgotten War Bibliographic Citation: Topic: Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): argumentive Found Where: content/uploads/2011/11/VietnamWar2.jpg Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image? This image shows the defeat and depression from the Vietnam war. What Does This Image State About Power? This image shows how the power of defeat can hurt someone physically, mentally, and emotionally. Why Do You State So? You can see that the man in the picture is reminiscing about his lost comrades for Vietnam and is clearly sad about it. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image shows a different aspect of war and how it can affect someone but still fits in with the progress of war in the U.S.
Image Title: Stalemate of Stalemates Bibliographic Citation: Topic: Korean War Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining):Informative Found Where: jpg Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image? This image showed several aspects from the Korean War such as the open space and hilly landscapes. What Does This Image State About Power? As you can see the men in this photo a stationary but stationed with powerful weapons. A stalemate with this type of machinery was deadly for the Americans and others in the war adding up to over 2 million deaths. Why Do You State So? A slow moving war is a deadly yet powerful war. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image This image also shows soldiers and new types of weapons.
Image Title: Present killer Bibliographic Citation: Topic: Present U.S. airforce Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative Found Where: content/uploads/2012/08/hd-military-wallpapers-8.jpg Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image? This image shows the new U.S. airforce and its design. What Does This Image State About Power? This image shows how powerful one plain can be. From the image I can see that this plain consist of plenty of space for soldiers to be carried along with bombs and other types of weapons. Why Do You State So? This image displays it. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image shows the progress the U.S. has made from the WWII photo of plains.
Image Title: The Modern View Bibliographic Citation: Topic: U.S. army in Iraq Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Informative Found Where: AAC0/OMy5w4lHy-4/s1600/zcustomtm5.jpg Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image? Shows the modern outlook of the U.S. army What Does This Image State About Power? Power of dedication and teamwork along with new advancements in weaponry. Why Do You State So? The image displays my ideas. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? Also displays progress from the older types of warfare and how the military looks today.
Image Title: Pride Bibliographic Citation: Topic: Group of modern U.S. soldiers Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): Photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): Expressive Found Where: content/uploads/2011/05/us-military3.jpg Found How: Google Search Why Select This Image? This image displays not only the power of the military but also a countries support. What Does This Image State About Power? Displays the power of one’s country as a whole. Why Do You State So? The American flag behind the soldiers expresses what I’m saying. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? The image to me is a good conclusion to all the photos I’ve used and expresses what the U.S. military is all about.
Text- What kind of document is it? What is unique about this text? What is special about this text? What is it about? Reader- Who would be the intended audience? Are you part of this intended audience? In what regards? Do you and the author share any commonalities, and if so, what? Are you as a reader open to change offered by the text? In what fashions? Constraints- What limitations and characteristics influence the author? What limitations and characteristics influence the reader? Do these limitations have noticeable indicators in the text? If so, how are they shown? Consider constraints to be viavle as refutation/ rebuttal. Exigence- What caused the argument, or more recently, what is the author's involvement in this argument? RHETORICAL ANALYSIS
Rhetorical analysis Text- This is a WWI image. The photo in unique because it consist of a new machine gun of that time and gas mask. The men a behind a trench wall and firing toward the enemy. Reader- The audience could be whoever wanted to look at the image. The author and I both are both interested in military issues and history in the U.S. The image didn’t really offer any type of change. Constraints- The characteristics influencing the author is the fear created from the photo. The gas mask and machine gun give a fearful vibe out along with the rigid grounds and darkness. The reader or onlooker also betrays this image in similar ways such as the physical appearance. Exigence- None of the images I used caused a argument.
Rhetorical analysis Text- This is a Vietnam image from Washington. This image is special because I have actually visited this wall he is standing at. This wall is hundreds of feel along consisting of the names of fallen victims from Vietnam. He is reminiscing on his days in Vietnam and is emotional about the war. Reader- The audience would be whoever wanted to view the photo but most historians and veterans would respect this image and look at it the most. The author and I both respect Veterans and understand how horrific the Vietnam actually was. I am definitely open to this image because Vietnam was defiantly a forgotten war in the U.S. because we basically lost and thousands were slaughtered and people should remember. Constraints- The author relates with this image because of the sorrow of the man along with how violent the war actually was. He wants people to remember and understand how deadly the war actually was. The reader is learning of the authors view and embracing the names on the wall as casualties from the war. A picture like this can be powerfully affect someone emotionally. Exigence- The author wants people to remember and realize about the Vietnam war.
Rhetorical analysis Text- This image is a image of the U.S. military saluting with the American flag behind them. This image is special because it reflects the entire U.S. military in one image. The men reflect the soldiers and the flag represents the U.S. Reader- The audience should be anyone who is a citizen in the United States. The author definitely respects the U.S. as I do and wants good for our military. I am open to change being offered in this photo because I do want to support the U.S. in whatever they do. Constraints- The author and reader see the image as everyone should. It represents the U.S. military and its pretty obvious. This picture along with other can be very important and impacting on their lives to know they have people to protect them. Images can be very powerful to someone's prospective on issues and for learning new things. Exigence- None of the images I used caused a argument.
BIBLIOGRAPHY revolution/pictures/images/revolutionary-war-044.jpg&imgrefurl= revolution/pictures/&h=1039&w=1477&sz=375&tbnid=eDD287W_lQyvcM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=155&zoom=1&usg=__L6OeA9fk9o d7Yew3ZdKFriNgagw=&docid=EbifXJR1C9cQRM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=CAArUcCEL5H88QSyioHABw&sqi=2&ved=0CE8Q9QEwBA& dur=