Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen): Wx Integration Ray Moy New Weather Concept Development Branch FAA, Aviation Weather Division, ANG-C62 1
Outline NextGen Implementation Plan Portfolios Common Services & Infrastructure: Weather NextGen ATM-Wx Integration Concept Levels of ATM-Wx Integration Weather Translation Example ATM Impact Conversion Example Decision Support Integration Activities and Goals 2
NextGen Implementation Plan Portfolios 3
Common Services & Infrastructure Weather 4
Conversion into: NAS Impacts State Changes Observations Analyses Forecasts NextGen ATM-Wx Integration Concept NextGen 4D Wx Data Cube ATM Decision Support ATM Impact Conversion Weather Translation Translation of weather data into: Constraints Threshold Events Weather Information DSTs use impacts to develop TFM solutions Primary: NWS FAA Met FAA ATM Weather Community ATM Community Constraint info (e.g. wx avoidance) Wx info Impact info (e.g. capacity) Derive Constraint Derive Impact Set Solution 5
Levels of ATM-Weather Integration Level Zero – No integration Level Four – Decision Support Level One – “On-the-Glass” Level Two – Translation Level Three – Impact WEATHER ATM RESPONSIBILITY 6
Weather Translation Example The process of taking weather data and combining it with other data elements such as pilot behavior models, safety regulations, operating thresholds, and historical demand information to identify potential constraints in NAS operations due to weather. —NAS Weather Constraint: a limitation on the ability of a given NAS element (e.g., air route, sector) to reach its desired level of service due to weather. Improved Weather Forecast Flight Altitude – Echo Tops (16 km) Pilot Deviation Model Forecasted Pilot Avoidance Regions Weather Avoidance Field (WAF) 7
ATM Impact Conversion Example Using information from the weather Translation function, converts it into potential NAS impacts. Weather Avoidance Field (WAF) -10 min +10 min +20 min 0 min FCAA Predicted Available A05 Capacity < 75% < 50% FCA Capacity Forecast Matrix 8
Decision Support The fundamental goal of Decision Support is to provide overall NAS optimization. Impact data and state change information used to derive mitigation options to deal with capacity/demand imbalances and provide “what- if” capability for traffic managers – both in the strategic and tactical time frames. 9
Integration Activities and Goals Coordinating with Portfolios (e.g., CATM, Improved Surface Operations, TBFM) to identify Wx shortfalls The main goal of integrating weather into future decision support systems is to increase overall NAS efficiency by: —Standardizing the decision process and outcome (predictability) —Ensuring full and continuous use of enhanced/automated tools during weather events —Optimize use of airspace —Facilitating a more proactive approach to traffic management 10