Welcome to Castle Bromwich 4 th Annual General Meeting 25 th March 2015
Agenda Chairman’s Report Treasurer’s Report Current Interest Groups Appointment of Officers for 2015/16 Chairman’s Award Fun Chairman Roy Edwards
Chairman’s Report Progress in new interest groups – poetry, table tennis and memories Activities during the past Year –Curry nights and Sunday lunches –Short course on origami –Trip to Weston Super Mare –Trip to The Quays Manchester – Lowry Gallery – War museum –Castle Bromwich Heritage festival –Trip to Ashmolean Museum Oxford –Trip to Cardiff –Trip to Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire – Decorated for Christmas –Christmas lunch Lea Marston Hotel – 80 members attended –Some Excellent Speakers –Quiz Night –Walking Holiday Thanks to Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens Trust
Chairman’s Report WHAT IS WORKING WELL Strong fellowship amongst members Excellent support at general meetings – 90 at one meeting! Some enjoyable social events Membership now 132 WHAT IS STILL TO DO Need more interest groups – my target was 20 still 3 to go Danger that things could become stale Relaunch of website FUTURE STRATEGY Establish a strong forward looking committee Have a succession plan Identify from the membership new areas of interest
What’s happening in so far Southport trip Wedgewood factory and Museum trip Lady Lever Art Gallery, & Canal Museum Walking holiday – fully booked Christmas Lunch 17 th December Lea Marston Possibility of a trip to Weston Possibility of a group holiday Possibility of a Christmas dance Possibility of a Classical Music Group Possibility of a wine tasting evening
Treasurer’s Report Opening balance 1 st March Income (£) Member subscriptions £15) Member subscriptions ( £8) Visitors £2) Fundraising Total Income Expenditure (£) Third Age Trust capitation fees £3.50 ) Room hire (12) Meeting refreshments Speaker fees Administration Third Age Trust Magazines Insurance claim spend Equipment purchase Total expenditure Income over Expenditure Balance at 28 th February £ £47.76 £ CASTLE BROMWICH U3A ACCOUNTS 1 MARCH 2014 TO 28 FEBRUARY 2015
Treasurer’s Report Opening balance 1 st March Income (£) Cardiff trip Trentham Gardens trip Heritage Festival Stall Manchester trip Christmas Lunch Hardwick Hall trip Port Sunlight trip Total Income Expenditure (£) Cardiff trip Trentham Gardens trip Manchester trip Christmas Lunch Hardwick Hall trip Donation CBHG Trust (water boiler) CBHG Family Fun Day Total expenditure Income over Expenditure Balance at 28 February £ £ £ £ £ CASTLE BROMWICH U3A SOCIAL FUND ACCOUNTS 1 MARCH 2014 TO 28 FEBRUARY 2015
Current Interest Groups Art Art circle Art appreciation Coffee Mornings Walking Small Walkers Yompers longer walks 3 x Reading Groups Digital Photography Italian for beginners Down memory Lane Poetry Table Tennis Theatre Group Sunday Lunches Curry Nights Associated Groups Craft and Dancing Choir
Committee The strength of any organisation is its members and particularly those who are prepared to serve on the committee. Committee meetings are open for members to attend and observe. See monthly calendar for dates of meetings. Appointment of new and serving members.
General Meeting Talks 2015/16 Arden HallTopic 1.45pm General Meetings Wednesday 29/04/2015Love food hate waste 27/05/2015Members talk - Ray - Stalybridge to Karachi 24/06/2015Napoleon 29/07/2015National Memorial Arboretum 19/08/2015Customs and Traditions in the British Army 30/09/2015Members talk - Fitz - Kenya 28/10/2015Garden Design 25/11/2015The Hazards of Entertaining 16/12/2015Frank Lloyd Wright Architect 27/01/2016History of the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham 24/02/2016TBA 30/03/2016Annual General Meeting
Next Annual General Meeting 30 th March 1.45 pm