Community and Schools Coming Together Be a part of the experience!
Kindergarten Counts : a parent’s guide to planning a positive send off October 27, 2011 October 27, 2011
There are only two lasting gifts we can hope to give our children. One is roots, the other is wings.
6 Things Kindergarten Teachers Wish Parents Knew Kindergarten is not what it used to be Kindergarten is more academic than many parents remember Delaying entry by a year isn’t always a good idea
6 Things Kindergarten Teachers Wish Parents Knew Academic skills are only part of kindergarten readiness Volunteering in the classroom isn’t the only way you can help out Learning is a full-time endeavor and you are your child’s primary teacher
Ways to help your child get ready for Kindergarten Communicate Teach them to listen- ideas, people, stories Read to them Practice following directions Teach the basic, personal information Provide social experiences Encourage problem solving Encourage personal independence Encourage school interest Encourage your child’s development of self esteem Provide opportunities to write, color, cut, paste, build Practice counting to 20 Teach letters of their name … alphabet
Readiness expectations for entering kindergarten: Quietly listen to a simple story (10 minutes long) Hold and use a pencil and scissors correctly Play cooperatively Identify colors and shapes Identify and name some letters and numbers Identify and write their name with one capital and the rest lowercase letters (John rather than JOHN) Follow simple directions Manage own clothing and toileting needs
A typical day in the life of a kindergartener Morning Activities Attendance Milk count, lunch count Calendar/Math Language/literacy block Recess/PE Snack Music/Learning Center AM dismissal – 11:45 Afternoon Activities Rest/quiet time Recess/PE Music/Learning Center Science/Social Studies Extension Activities Free exploration centers Dismissal – 2:50
Curriculum Reading /Language Harcourt 30 sight words Michael Heggerty Jolly Phonics Math EnVision Math Science FOSS Fish, worms, bugs, butterflies Social Studies American cultures & traditions
Reading Power Standards By the end of Kindergarten, the student will: identify the alphabet, demonstrate emergent (early knowledge) understanding of phonemic awareness and phonics, and recognize high-frequency words. use correct book-handling skills, apply print concepts, and demonstrate emerging reading skills. with prompting and support, identify literary elements (character, setting, story sequence), comprehend a variety of genres (e.g. fiction, rhymes, informational text) and communicate acquired information.
Kindergarten Reading continued: print uppercase and lowercase alphabet, use phonemic strategies to write words and simple sentences using a descriptive detail with appropriate conventions, and communicate ideas through drawing and writing. listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations.
Math Power Standards By the end of Kindergarten, the student will: recognize, sequence, and print numbers 0-20, count aloud to 100, count 20 objects. compare numbers. demonstrate an emergent (early knowledge) understanding of addition and subtraction. measure, compare, and describe objects by length, size, capacity, and weight using the appropriate tools (non- standard units, scale).
Kindergarten Math Continued sort objects, create simple patterns, and interpret graphs. recognize, identify, and create basic (e.g. circle, square) and geometric (e.g. sphere, cube) shapes.
Speech Screening All kindergarten students will be screened for speech and language weaknesses. Simple articulation weaknesses will be addressed through the RtI process.
Learning Weaknesses Screening Process –AIMSweb –Gates –Other RtI Process Referral Process –Parent, teacher, outside agency
Eligibility Process PPS Team meeting with parent Gather information Determine need to do further testing Monitor/provide interventions(RtI) or test? Eligibility Meeting –Share test results IEP –Develop a plan w/goals Annual Review –Plan for next year
What if my child is receiving special education services now? Will my child receive special education services in kindergarten?
Academics is just one part of kindergarten. Our mission is to provide experiences that meet children’s needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas (physical, social, emotional, and intellectual) through an integrated approach to curriculum. Children acquire knowledge about the physical and social worlds through playful interaction with objects and people.
3-4 year old screenings : November 16th 12:00 - 2:00 pm December 14th 8: :30 am January 18th 12:00 - 2:00 pm February 15th 8: :30 am March 21st 12:00 - 2:00 pm April 18th 8: :30 am May 16th 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Contact Laura Sam at Woodbury Elementary School for an appointment.