Fédération Internationale des Géomètres FIG-Working Week 2003: 125 th Anniversary and 26 th General Assembly Good Practice Report (GPR) GPR is important item of FIG-Workplan Aim is to learn from each other, Benefit for surveyors from member association: What is going on? Where to find more? Strategy is: 1) Policy level …… FIG statements (Bogor, Bathurst, Nairobi) 2) Guidelines …… FIG reports #31, Cadastre 2014, CPD; 3) Practical level ……database, country reports, additional information
Fédération Internationale des Géomètres FIG-Working Week 2003: 125 th Anniversary and 26 th General Assembly Progress Münster-meeting : Drees, Molen, Muggenhuber, Petzold, Schroth ACCO-discussion: How to proceed : integrate work of COM´s and result of FIG-events into a GPR 1.integrated country reports 2.10 burning questions Timing: 1. results to be presented at FIG event in Morocco
Fédération Internationale des Géomètres FIG-Working Week 2003: 125 th Anniversary and 26 th General Assembly Result – information to be provided through: Web CD FIG - Good practice publication