Compensation Study Goals Human Resources will study compensation information for all non-exempt classified and hourly employees to determine how CNU’s salary data compares to the market and what, if any, changes should be recommended to remain competitive and improve retention and recruitment efforts. Using salary market information from the Virginia Employment Market Labor Analysis (VELMA), local universities, Commonwealth of Virginia wage data and other available relevant salary information. O FFICE OF H UMAN R ESOURCES
Compensation Study Summary Phase one: Planning and Initial Communication Phase two: Market Study Layout and Benchmarking Salary Survey Information Gap Analysis Phase three: Pay Structure Compression and Internal Equity Analysis reviewed by Senior Administration and the Compensation Committee Cost Analysis and Multiyear Implementation Plan Communications and Feedback O FFICE OF H UMAN R ESOURCES
Compensation Committee Committee MembersHuman Resources Faith Belote, Director of Internal Audit Dr. Bobbye Bartels, Associate Provost Christine Ledford, Senior Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance Pat McDermott, Director of Planning and Budget Robert Midgette, Senior Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Services Michelle Moody, Director of EO and Faculty Recruitment Dr. Bill Ritchey, Executive Director of Counseling and Health Services Rochelle Augustus, Classification and Compensation Analyst Milton Brooks, Assistant Director Sharon Lue, Classification and Compensation Manager Lori Westphal, Director of Human Resources O FFICE OF H UMAN R ESOURCES
Roles and Responsibilities The Office of Human Resources collects the employee data, reviews the salary data, conducts the analysis and provides the information to the Compensation Committee for review. The Compensation Committee reviews the information and recommendations received from HR and recommends changes/revisions. Once the information is revised, the Compensation Committee makes the recommendation to Senior Administration Senior Administration works with Planning and Budget to plan for implementation of the recommended changes when budget is available. O FFICE OF H UMAN R ESOURCES
Timeline Project kickoff February 7, 2012 Human Resources (HR) compiles employee data and reviews salary data completed by beginning of April, 2012 HR meets with the Compensation Committee to review data and make recommendations by the April 15, 2012 Compensation Committee makes recommendations to Senior Administration by May 1, 2012 Planned changes are announced to the CNU community by July 1, 2012 O FFICE OF H UMAN R ESOURCES
Questions??? If you have questions regarding this compensation study, please We will post the answers on our Human Resources Contacts Sharon Lue, Classification and Compensation Manager, Rochelle Augustus, Classification and Compensation Analyst, O FFICE OF H UMAN R ESOURCES