Introduction to Care Visions Care Visions At Home are a trusted and experienced provider of specialist health and social care services. We recognise that most people requiring care would prefer to be at home. CVAH care for both adults and children with complex and clinical needs and or nursing needs, we have recently developed our capabilities in the field of home IV therapies.
Care Visions’ History Established in Specialized in individual care. Well-known reputation for innovation and care for families with a deep commitment to individuals and families. Delivering over 7,000 hours of care a week in the UK. Individualised, patient centred, quality care without the focus being around targets. Ability to deliver improved outcomes for people with very complex needs. Strong history of collaboration and partnering with local authorities and agencies.
Examples of CVAH Healthcare Services in the UK To Care Visions, every person is unique and valued. We have trusted experienced care staff and nurses to ensure the highest quality care and support. End Of Life/Palliative care Supported Discharge for complex care/In-home support after planned hospitalization Admission avoidance- IV antibiotics Oncology/Chemotherapy services Long term conditions Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease/Parkinson’s Disease Mental health / Learning disability Physical disabilities Sensory impairment (sight and hearing loss) Basic in-home rehabilitation
Care Visions in the UK Offers three levels of healthcare: Clinical led (nurse supervision and specialist training to caregivers). e.g. Tube Feeding, Oral Suction, Oxygen Support, Spinal Tracheostomy, Respiratory Therapy, Rehabilitation, Complex Movement and Handling Needs. Clinical Home Infusion therapies e.g. Antibiotic and chemotherapy. Non Clinical/social Care (no nurse involvement). e.g. Basic care – companionship, personal hygiene, mobility, medications reminders, shopping and housework, basic movement and handling.
Care Visions UK Capabilities We provide a person-centred coordinated model of care. We take into account both the needs of the individual receiving assistance and those of the family. We work with the family, individual and their healthcare to ensure we acknowledge choice and promotes a care pathway, We are proud of our reputation in the delivery of a responsive and professional service for people with continuing and complex needs who wish to remain in their own home. Our staffing model ensures continuity, consistency and integration of care staff with experienced, nurse led, and supervised teams of staff. All of our services are designed and delivered with flexibility to each individual’s needs, we are available from half-hour to 24 hours 7 days a week and are reviewed on a regular bases. CVAH operates a 24hr on call service
Care Visions Staffing Model Care visions recruit staff in advance of work offering all staff permanent contracts In order to be responsive to the needs of the community and act as a rapid response. All care staff a minimum of NVQ level 2 At any one time CVAH has a pool of approx. five carers fully trained and competent in each office to respond to needs Care Visions believes that our workforce must be able to provide services and support that are designed for people who use our service and not for the benefit of the organisation. Our Work force identity is defined by what we are trying to achieve.
All our care staff are robustly trained by our in house training department plus our Adult and Paediatric RGNs. All care staff are competency assessed in order that as an organisation we are confident that we can be responsive to demands of community. As an organisations we ensure we have the right people, with the right skills, in the right place at the right time. We Recognise our care staff, are working as part of wider multidisciplinary teams, and will play a critical role in securing high quality care and excellent outcomes for patients. Care Visions employ their own recruitment team who work closely with the Head of Clinical Services and the Branch Mangers to ensure recruitment is consistent with and in line with the needs of our business and our Values.
Our Values High quality in everything we do Dignity Respect Choice and control Empowerment Confidential
We ensure there are robust systems and processes in place to assure ourselves we have sufficient care staffing capacity and capability to provide high quality care to clients day or night, every day of the week. We monitor our staffing capacity and capability through regular and frequent reports on the actual staff on duty on a shift-to-shift. The organisation supports and enables our care staff to deliver compassionate care All our care staff work in well-structured teams and are enabled to practice effectively, through the supporting infrastructure of the organisation We actively manage our existing workforce, and have robust plans in place to recruit, retain and develop all staff. We recognise that staffing capacity and capability can have a profound impact on client safety CV use an electronic scheduling program which forward plans the capacity and capabilities.
Why recruit above Capacity We believe at CVAH by recruiting above capacity we are effectively able to Improve outcomes for people by providing consistency in the quality of our services. Focus on innovation and new ways of working We can facilitate and reduce the number of days in delayed discharges from hospital. Improve and maintain independence by creating teams effectively trained to allow people to remain at home for longer. Multi Disciplinary teams to allow people to recover at home and reduce the length of stay in hospital e.g. IVAB, rehabilitation.
Care Visions Objectives to Recruiting Above Capacity. All carers supported to make a difference. Engaged staff and motivated staff. Effective resource management. Services are safe. Responsive to demands Independent living Healthier Living Positive experiences and improved outcomes
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