Public Hearing on ecolabel Disclaimer: 1.This presentation represents solely the views of its author and cannot in any circumstances be regarded as the official position of the Commission. 2.Chatham house rules European Parliament Committee on Fisheries 16 June 2015 Stefaan Depypere Director International Affairs and Markets European Commission, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Market development ÜEU main market for ecolabelled products ÜConsumption concentrated in some MS ÜEU producers getting increasingly involved into certification schemes ÜA niche market
EU mandate ÜIn charge of all EU fisheries and all seafood products sold in the EU: ÜCommon Fishery Policy ÜFighting IUU ÜFishery governance ÜInformation to consumers ÜSanitary, quality schemes (PGI, PDO) …
Legislation on voluntary labelling ÜRegulation 1169/ Food information provided on a voluntary basis: Üshall not mislead the consumer Üshall not be ambiguous or confusing for the consumer Üshall be based on the relevant scientific data ÜCommon Market Organisation Reg 1379/2013 Üno voluntary information shall be included that cannot be verified. ÜFood business operators are responsible for the implementation of these rules ÜMember States shall ensure compliance and control
Support to certification: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund ÜProduction and marketing plans for producer organisations ÜDiversification of markets ÜSupport for marketing measures including certification ÜMember States to promote
Ecolabel and public authorities Üat international level : FAO, ISO Üat EU level: CMO regulation
CMO: Eco-labelling reporting Article 36 "After consulting Member States and stakeholders, the Commission shall, by 1 January 2015, submit to the European Parliament and to the Council a feasibility report on options for an eco-label scheme for fishery and aquaculture products, in particular on establishing such a scheme on a Union-wide basis and on setting minimum requirements for the use by Member States of a Union eco-label. "
On-going work: feasibility study ÜMapping of existing ecolabels and sustainability allegations ÜCost / benefit analysis of options ÜManagement ÜBenchmark with other sectors
Public consultation ÜOn-going until 31 July 2015 ÜOpen to all stakeholders and individuals ÜAvailable in all languages ÜTake part at:
Thank you Stefaan Depypere Public Hearing on ecolabel