El origen del arte moderno “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” - Picasso.


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Presentation transcript:

El origen del arte moderno “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” - Picasso

 Cubism was a truly revolutionary art style first developed by Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Juan Gris.  It began at the start of the 20 th Century in response to a rapidly changing world.  This was a way to see art from a new perspective- a new way of seeing which reflected the modern age.

 For the 4 decades from western society had more advances than in the previous four centuries together.  Inventions included: photography, cinematography, the telephone, the car, and the airplane.  Photography had begun replacing painting as the way to document the times.  Artist Paul Cézanne was a precursor to this new art movement. He saw painting in more abstract terms- as the construction and arrangement of color on a two-dimensional surface. This appealed to the cubists.

Paul Cézanne- Bibemus Quarry, 1895  Pablo Picasso- Factory, Horta de Ebro, 1909

 Georges Braque- Viaduct at L’Estaque, 1908  Juan Gris- Violin and Glass, 1915

 Cubists proposed that your sight of an object is the sum of many different views and that your memory of an object is not from simply one angle.  A typical cubist work shows real people, places, or objects, but not from a fixed viewpoint. Instead, it shows many parts at one time from many different angles. The whole idea of space is reconfigured- all sides are seen in the work.

Pablo Picasso, Head of a Woman, 1907  African masks and art greatly influenced early cubist works. Two Phases of Cubism:  Analytical- early, until about 1912; the artist analyzed the subject from many different views and reconstructed it geometrically.  Synthetic- after 1912; characterized by adding “real” world elements to cubist works.

 This second phase of cubism (synthetic) was also known as the “collage technique”. It was more colorful and decorative.  Pablo Picasso- Still Life with Chair Caning, 1912  Pablo Picasso- Still Life with Mandolin and Guitar, 1924

Los tres músicos- Pablo Picasso

 Diego Rivera studied in Paris.  Between he devoted himself almost entirely to the cubist style.  He wanted to capture an object from many different points of view.  Diego Rivera, Eiffel Tower  Diego Rivera, Still Life

 By the end of World War I cubism had run its course and its popularity began to fade. However, future art movements came into being as a result of cubism including:  Orphism, purism, futurism, precisionism, constructivism, and expressionism.  Diego Rivera, Two Women  Diego Rivera, Still Life

 Salvador Dalí was a cult celebrity  who was one of the highest  grossing artists in history.  He would do anything for money- he made tv commercials for chocolate, designed the logo for Chupa Chups lollipops, signed autographs and sold them.  He is most known for the Surrealist Movement, but he also experimented early- on with cubism.  He was influenced by Marcel Duchamp’s “Nude Descending a Staircase”.

 He had one famous cubist work entitled “Cubist Self-portrait.

Proyecto:  Now, in your groups you are going to “recreate” your own version of Picasso’s cubist masterpiece Los tres músicos.  Use one piece of construction paper as your background color. Then, using only geometric shapes and sharpie markers, create what you see in the painting. You decide on the colors.