Shaping Hearts For God Series High School Bible Class Vegas Drive Church of Christ Las Vegas, NV Studies in the Life of Jesus Christ
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN LESSON THREE Today’s Lesson: Jesus is born Theme: Memory verse: Luke 2:10-11 Objective: To examine the scriptures that tell about Jesus’ birth Key verses: Matt. 1:18-25; 2:1-16; Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-40
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Mary’s pregnancy announced – Read Matt. 1:18-25 – Read Luke 1:26-38 – How did Mary react to the news? – How did Joseph react to the news? – How do people to regard the birth of Jesus? – Eight months later, Joseph & Mary prepared to journey from Nazareth to Jerusalem
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Misconceptions about the birth of Jesus – Discuss common misunderstandings Year and time of year of His birth Who was present at the manger Proper timeline – In 6 BC, Caesar ordered the census (Lk 2:1-3) – Herod the Great (ruler of Judea) tried to have Jesus killed (Matt. 2:1-3,13,16) – Herod the Great died 4 BC (Matt. 2:19) – Census was finished in 3 BC – Could Jesus have been born in 3 BC or later?
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Joseph & Mary’s journey (Lk. 2:4-7) – Jews were required to register by tribe in hometown – Joseph and third-trimester-pregnant Mary traveled the 90 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem…3 day journey if riding animals, longer if walking. – Even the Roman army did not march in the winter…do you think Joseph would have made Mary travel in the winter? – Upon arriving in Bethlehem, there were no guest rooms available (the translation says “inn” but the Greek word kataluma refers to the common guest room most Jewish families had in their homes)
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN The shepherds (Luke 2:6-20) – The outdoor season for sheep/goats is March to November. During the winter months, flocks are kept indoors. Would the shepherds have been out in the fields with flocks at night in December? – How did the shepherds react when the angel announced Jesus’ birth?
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Jesus brought to the temple (Lk. 2:21-38) – Why did they bring baby Jesus to the temple when He was 8 days old? (Exod. 13:2,12; to name & circumcise Him) – After 40 days (for Mary’s purification, Lev. 12), they brought Jesus to the temple again for redemption (Num. 18:15-16) – How did Simeon react when he saw Jesus? – How did Anna react when she saw Jesus? – Have the wise men arrived yet? (no!)
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN The wise men (Matt. 2:1-12) – Who were the wise men? (Persian philosophers, mystics, astrologers, magicians, kingmakers) – How many came? – Why did the magi come to Jerusalem? (star appeared) – Who were they looking for? – How did Herod react when he heard this news? (3) – What did Herod secretly discuss with the magi? (7) – What instructions did Herod give them? – Where did they find Jesus (house, vs. 11) – How did they react when they found Him? – Did they follow Herod’s instructions? – What did Herod do when they did not return? (13-18)
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Analyzing the information about Jesus’ birth – Jesus could not have been born in year AD 0/1, since Herod died in 4 BC, and since the census was completed in 3 BC. – Jesus could not have been born in December, or even in the winter, since Joseph & Mary most likely did not travel in the winter and the shepherds would not have been outside at night in the winter – The shepherds found Jesus the night He was born, but the wise men did not come until much later – No indication in scriptures that animals surrounded baby Jesus in the manger – But how do people react in December when they think of Jesus’ birth? (inaccurate nativity scenes) – Did anyone in the Bible celebrate Jesus’ birthday after this?
STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Summary of the birth of Jesus – Many misunderstands about Jesus’ birth – Bible contains the facts – Just as people responded in different ways then, people still respond in different ways today. Atheists try to prevent public displays about Jesus, Muslims regard Him as just another prophet and inferior to Muhammad, oriental religious groups regard Him as merely a philosopher – What does the birth of Jesus mean to you? Next time: Lesson 4 (Excited about Jesus)