Changes in nursing Background NQF Background Higher Education Qualifications Sub framework Changes in nursing education : New Qualifications Overview
Higher Education Amendment Act 24 Of 2011 Skills Development Levies Act 24 Of 2010 National Qualifications Framework Act 67 Of 2008 Nursing Act No.33 Of 2005 Further Education And Training Act No 16 Of 2006 Skills Development Act No 97 Of 1998 Higher Education Amendment Act 101 of 1997 National Education Policy Act No. 27 0f 1996 South African Qualifications Authority Act No.58 Of 1995 Related Acts
Change in nursing Nursing Act 33 of (1) (q) The Minister may, after consultation with the Council, make regulations relating to the scope of practice of practitioners: Government Gazette October 2013 The current rolls and registers to be grandfathered and new registers opened when the new scope becomes effective
Change in nursing The most significant change has been the introduction of a new scope of practice for nursing A new scope of practice requires the re-categorizing of nurses based on new scope and new qualification types: R 169 Aux nurse R171 Staff nurse R174 Prof nurse Nursing Act 33 of 2005
New nursing qualifications Changes in Nursing Education o New National Qualification Framework (NQF) o Nursing qualifications move from Further Education & Training sub-framework (FETSF) to Higher Education & Training sub-framework (HETSF)
Education & Training in Higher Education Change is a process not an event Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET) Council on Higher Education (CHE) South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) South African Nursing Council (SANC) Dual Accreditation
BACKGROUND o National Qualification Framework (NQF) o The Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework o Nursing qualifications move from Further Education & Training sub- framework (FETSF) to Higher Education & Training sub framework (HETSF)
BACKGROUND o NQF means a comprehensive system approved by the Minster Of Higher Education And Training for the classification,co-ordination,registration and publication of articulated and quality assured-national qualifications and part – qualifications.
OBJECTIVES OF NQF ( 1) The objectives of the NQF are to— o create a single integrated national framework for learning achievements; o facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education, training and career paths; o enhance the quality of education and training; o accelerate the redress of past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities. (2) The objectives of the NQF are designed to contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large.
Sub-Framework o The South African NQF is a single integrated system, comprising three co-ordinated qualifications sub-frameworks for :General and Further Education and Training; Higher Education and Trade and Occupations.
The Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework o As approved by the Minister of Higher Education and Training (Notice 1040 of 2012; Government Gazette No of 14 December 2012) o In terms of the National Qualifications Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 Of 2008) o and as contemplated in the Higher Education Act,1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997).
NQF The National Qualifications Framework has ten levels. Higher education qualifications occupy six levels of the NQF, namely, levels 5 to 10. Levels 5 to 7 comprise undergraduate qualifications (with the exception of the professional Bachelor’s degree at Level 8) and levels 8 to 10 accommodate postgraduate qualifications.
NQF : Level Descriptor o Each NQF level has a level descriptor. o Level descriptors provide guidelines for differentiating the varying levels of complexity of qualifications on the framework.
The Higher Education Qualifications Framework The Higher Education Qualifications Framework (HEQF), provided for the establishment of a single qualifications framework for higher education to facilitate the development of a single national co- ordinated higher education system
The Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework
New Regulations o R.169 of 8 March 2013 Regulations relating to the Approval of and the Minimum Requirements for the Education and Training of a Learner Leading to Registration in the Category Auxiliary Nurse o R.171 of 8 March 2013 Regulations relating to the Approval of and the Minimum Requirements for the Education and Training of a Learner Leading to Registration in the Category Staff Nurse o R.174 of 8 March 2013 Regulations relating to the Approval of and the Minimum Requirements for the Education and Training of a Learner leading to Registration in the Categories Professional Nurse and Midwife
Professional NurseStaff Nurse Auxiliary Nurse Provide Comprehensive Nursing care Provide comprehensive nursing treatment & care in all health care settings; Responsible & accountable for management of nursing care of individuals, groups & communities; Providing emergency care Ensuring safe implementation of nursing care Responsible & accountable for care of persons with unstable and complicated health conditions. Ensure that nursing care is only delegated to competent practitioners. Provide basic nursing care Provide basic nursing care & treatment of persons with stable and uncomplicated health conditions in all settings; Providing basic emergency care Assess & develop a plan of nursing care for persons with stable and uncomplicated health conditions. Take responsibility for the nursing care of persons whose health condition is stable & uncomplicated in a unit of an overall health facility or service. Provide elementary nursing care Providing assistance and support to a person for the activities of daily living and self care; Providing nursing care as prescribed or directed by a professional nurse or staff nurse; Providing nursing care in accordance with a standardised plan of care; Rendering basic first aid
Assessment of Learning: New Qualifications o Nursing and midwifery components: Registered assessors and moderators. o Assessment should take place within the context of: o quality assurance policies, procedures and processes; and o a guided and supported learning environment o Integrated assessment; use both formative and summative assessments. o Assessment activities must include performance in real life situations.
Formative Assessment in New Qualifications The assessment strategies will include, amongst others: o written assignments; o tests; o projects; o demonstrations; and o clinical assessments. Summative Assessment in New Qualifications Amongst others, these assessments may take the form of: o oral; o written; and o practical examinations. NB: In a Diploma in Nursing and a Bachelor of Nursing, there should be evidence of involvement in a research project.
FAQ : SANC Website 1. What does the 30 June 2015 mean for legacy qualifications? Answer: It means that Nursing Education Institutions (NEI’s) have an opportunity to have last intake of students on 1 June 2015 in order to ensure that students registered for legacy qualifications will be able benefit from teach out period per programme as specified on Circular No.3/ What should the NEI be doing to implement the new qualifications? Answer: Public Nursing Colleges must start working toward gaining a status of becoming institutions of higher education. The first step is to develop a Public Nursing College’s Act in order to assist them to become college sector and able to prepare their programmes which meet criteria of Council for Higher Education (CHE).
FAQ :SANC Website 3. Where an NEI should be registered in order to offer the new qualifications? Answer: Once question two has been addressed then NEI will be able develop their programme through CHE for accreditation, which in turn CHE submits programmes to South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) to be registered by SAQA. 4. Will the NEI be accredited by both SANC and CHE? Answer: The South African Nursing Council (SANC) develops guidelines for programmes to be offered by NEI’s, which in turn NEI’s develops curricula in relation to nursing programmes to be offered. The NEI’s submit to CHE for accreditation and upon completion evaluation of nursing programmes, CHE communicates with SANC through on line portal before nursing programmes are sent to SAQA for registration. The dual submission assists in fast-tracking the process. SANC is at final stages to complete on line submission of nursing programmes.
5. Will the NEIs be involved in setting their own examinations? Answer: All new nursing qualifications as they are on Higher Education Band on the National Qualification Framework (NQF), therefore, examinations will be set by NEI’s. 6. What qualification should the nurse educator have in order to teach the new qualifications? Answer: A nurse educator must have a higher qualification than the programme that is offered meaning that for a Bachelor’s degree, an educator must a Master’s degree or higher than that. FAQ :SANC Website
Test Yourself What is the title of the most recent nursing act? What does the acronym ‘NSC” stand for? What does the acronym ‘NQF’ stand for? When does the legacy qualifications end? What happens to the current professional categories in the future? What are the new undergraduate qualification types?
Reference SANC Spotlight Newsletter Vol 1 Nursing Act 2005 Revised HECQF Jan 2013 SANC New Qualification FAQ Circular No. 8/ August 2013 Circular No. 9/ August 2013 Circular No. 10/ August 2013 Circular No. 7/ September 2012 R786 Government Notice : Oct 2013 R 169 Aux nurse R171 Staff nurse R174 Prof nurse Level Descriptors fro the NQF : 2012
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