Vital Signs Temperature Pulse Respiration Blood Pressure
Temperature Balance between heat loss & heat produced When is the body temp the highest (in a day)? When is it the lowest? Temperature varies by body site
Body Sites Oral Taken in the mouth Most common and convenient Do not use with toddlers, confused pt Average temp. = 98.6 F Range = 97.6 to 99.7 F
Rectal Taken in the rectum Most accurate Common in newborns Average temp = 99.6 F Range = 98.6 – F
Axillary Taken under the arm Less accurate of all methods Common for newborns, babies, toddlers Average = 97.6 F Range = 96.0 – 98.6 F
Aural (Tympanic) Taken in the ear canal Common in infants and toddlers Range = 96.6 to 99.7 F
Causes of Increase Temp. Infection (Fever = 101 F; Pyrexia/Febrile) Exercise High environmental temp. Hyperthermia Temp 104F or higher Causes include brain damage, infections, long exposure to hot temp. 105 to 106 F cause seizures & death
Causes of Decrease Temp. Starvation Sleep Exposure to cold temp. Hypothermia Temp 95 F or lower Death 93F & lower Caused by prolonged exposure to cold, starvation