WHAT IS WELLNESS According to, wellness is defined as; The quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort. An approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating disease.
WELLNESS PROGRAM HISTORY SEIB first began its wellness program in SEIB developed a separate wellness program for Local Government in 2005.
PROGRAM CHANGES Due to low participation in the program the Local Government Health Insurance Advisory Committee approved the following incentives to increase participation: Effective 10/01/11, units that had 30% or greater participation in the wellness program for the prior screening period were eligible for the preferred premium rate, provided all other requirements were met. Effective 01/01/2013, units that had 80% or greater participation in the wellness program for the prior screening period would receive $10 per member per month discount off their total premium. No other requirements applied.
WELLNESS PARTICIPATION RESULTS Total Units 22, 351 members 15, 492 screened 308 Units > 80% participation 140 units 100% participation Only 40 units fell below 30% participation. Overall participation 69% Total Units 23, 677 members 18, 272 screened 362 Units > 80% participation 168 units 100% participation Only 44 units fell below 30% participation. Overall participation 77%
PROGRAM DATA COLLECTION Member demographics Member questionnaire concerning diagnosis and medications Blood Pressure Total Cholesterol HDL (Good Cholesterol) LDL (Bad Cholesterol) Triglycerides (Ugly Cholesterol) Blood Sugar Height Weight Waist Measurement Waist to Height Ratio BMI
AM I AT RISK? Worksite wellness screenings are designed to identify member at “risk” and to refer them to a healthcare provider for follow-up. Members are considered at risk if they have one or more of the following; B/P > 160/100 Total Cholesterol > 250 Blood Sugar > 200 BMI > 40
RISK IDENTIFIED FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM Count Description 774 Referred for High BP 406 Referred for High BP and on Medication 701 Referred for High Cholesterol Total 142 Referred for High Cholesterol Total and on Medication 505 Referred for High Blood Glucose 367 Referred for High Blood Glucose and on Medication 3187 Referred for High BMI 5071 Total Referrals
RISK IDENTIFIED FOR THE 2014 PROGRAM Count Description 838 Referred for High BP 451 Referred for High BP and on Medication 612 Referred for High Cholesterol Total 117 Referred for High Cholesterol Total and on Medication 574 Referred for High Blood Glucose 422 Referred for High Blood Glucose and on Medication 3204 Referred for High BMI 5109 Total Referrals
BENEFITS FROM THE STATE WELLNESS PROGRAM There has not been enough data collected from the Local Government Plan to compare the risk values of members from one year to another. Because the State and Local Government Plan are similar, I am sharing the study that was done on State Employees.
WHAT CAN WE DO TO IMPROVE OUR PROGRAM Below are some suggestions to increase the participation in the wellness program, save on your monthly premiums, while also improving the health of your employees. Make sure you are involved and set a good example Pass the discount to the member Offer other incentives such as extra vacation time Ask local companies to contribute items for a drawing for anyone who attends the screening Create an “at work” walking program and offer incentives for participation Ask local gyms for employee discounts Have lunch and learns provided by your local healthcare providers
Thank you for inviting us to speak to you today about the benefits of the wellness program. To view your participation please log on to your account at The wellness department can be reached at and the Local Government department at THANK YOU