C ONTENTS 1-Introduction What are smart homes 2-Why smart homes 3- Applications of smart homes 4- The main objective of the project 5- The main phases and work achieved. 6- Detailed description of project phases 7- Planning for project II 8- acknowledgement
W HAT ARE S MART HOMES ? Smart houses are homes that offer varying degrees of automation, has highly advanced automatic systems for lighting, temperature control, multi-media, security, window and door operations, and many other functions. A smart home appears "intelligent" because its computer systems can monitor so many aspects of daily living.
W HY SMART HOMES ? smart homes adds value to new homes and offers lifestyle flexibility. Power saving:- Energy savings can be realized by automating thermostats, lights and other environmental systems such as garden sprinklers and fountains. Integrating all of these into one environmental system can help ensure a minimum waste of energy in your home. Security:- Using smart home automation technology, you can protect your house while being away. Entertainment:- Using fairly simple automation technology, you can make the lights dim, the popcorn maker would spring into action, the fridge would check for adequate ice levels for your soda, and your calls would be automatically forwarded straight to your answering service. Applications:- You can monitor your home, you can control your toaster, your fridge while you are away of the home by using networking.
A PPLICATIONS Remote control applications. Security systems are available that allow homeowners to view and track interior homes for intrusion detection, track visitors, fire detection, gas detection … etc. Temperature control system that activates fans and air conditioners according to user configurations.
OBJECTIVES The main objective of the project is to design and implement a model for home automation (smart homes). Different models have been designed for the purposes of security and control access including automated monitoring & tracking the interior through IP wireless camera access. C# programs have been implemented to process & track the video surveillance and sound recording. Several security and control circuits have been designed (and/or implemented) to address the issues of abnormal events such as smoke detection, fire detection, water leakage, …….etc. A navigator model is designed for automated navigation of the home to monitor any change in the home(Smart Guard). [a brief list of designed models are illustrated in next slide] When you're not at home, nagging little doubts can start to crowd your mind…
D ESIGNED MODELS O F T HE PROJECT S etting connection with Wireless IP surveillance Camera. W ireless IP Access modules (C #). F ire Detector Circuit. M agnetic Door Lock Circuit. W ater Leakage circuit. Keypad Security Device circuit. H igh temperature detection & Automated fan cooling circuit. S moke detector circuit. G as detector circuit. L ight control circuit. M otion Detection phase, process the surveillance video send an alert when there's motion around the house. M obile navigator design, navigates the home, detecting abnormal event and temperature changes. A utomated notification through mobile access communication phase to Acknowledge home owner with abnormal events.
Our Smart Home model