Information Technology & Disabilities Norman Coombs Beth Coombs
EASI’S COMMITMENT! EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information sponsored the ITD e-journal EASI believes that students and professionals with disabilities have the same right to information as anyone else!
EASI’S MISSION EASI's mission is to serve as a resource by providing information and guidance in the area of access-to-information technologies by individuals with disabilities. We stay informed about developments and advancements within the adaptive computer technology field and spread that information to colleges, universities, K-12 schools, libraries and into the workplace.
EASI’S ACTIVITIES Besides the ITD e-journal, EASI activities include: Several free and fee-based Webinars Online courses leading to the Certificate in Accessible Information technology Barrier-free Web Design Barrier-free Information Technology Barrier-free E-learning Creating and Repurposing More Accessible Documents Accessible Streaming Multimedia Train the Trainer Special Topics 3 listserv discussion lists
HISTORY OF ACCESSIBLE IT Editors: Tom McNulty & Steve Noble ITD mirrors the history of information technology and its accessibility Early issues reflect computers that were text-based, command-line systems like DOS Unix, TRS, Commodore and Apple Networking used listservs, FTP, Telnet and gopher with text-based, menu-driven browsers such as Lynx
COMMON THEMES IN ITD ISSUES Science and math Graphical user interface Library accessibility K-12 accessibility DAISY document format Legislation and policy Distance learning
ITD VOL There were 25 articles by authors from the US, Australia, England, Ireland and Hungary ITD had 5 regular departments: Job Accommodations K-12 Education Libraries Online Information and Networking Campus Computing
SOME ARTICLES IN ITD V1N1-3 Building an Accessible CD-ROM Reference Station C-Note: A Computerized Notetaking System for Hearing-Impaired Students Rehabilitation and Remediation in Educational Disability: The Use of the Direct Access Reading Technique Technotes: Speech Synthesis Technotes: Braille Displays
ITD V1N4: SPECIAL ISSUE ON MATH Books for Blind Students: The Technological Requirements of Accessibility A Graphical Calculus Course for Blind Students Ensuring Usability in Interface Design: A Workstation to Provide Usable Access to Mathematics Mathtalk: Usable Access to Mathematics (STEM articles are frequent topics in ITD)
RFB SCIENCE & MATH SYMPOSIUM In 1994 Recording for the Blind, (Now Learning Ally) sponsored a symposium to bring together experts on Science and Math accessibility which was described in ITD V1N4 Math and Science Symposium at Recording for the Blind AsTeR: Audio System for Technical Reading
1995: ARE GRAPHICS A THREAT? In the second year of the ITD e-journal, there were 3 articles reflecting the growing awareness of the problems posed by graphics Access to GUIs: Setting Accessibility Standards for Computer Systems The Rise of the Graphical User Interface Leveling the Road Ahead: Guidelines for the Creation of WWW Pages Accessible to Blind and Visually Handicapped Users
1995: LIBRARY ACCESSIBILITY Information Technology and Access to Libraries: A Special Issue Enhancing Library Service for Patrons with Disabilities Through Staff Sensitivity Training and Specialized Bibliographic Instruction What is the Internet Public Library, and Why Should I Care? Access to Library Internet Services for Patrons with Disabilities: Pragmatic Consideration for Developers
1996 HAD 2 SPECIAL STEM ISSUES Articles included: Adding Audio Description to Television Science Programs Technology and Hands-on Strategies for Teaching Science and Mathematics to the Special Education Population Accessible Internet Based Mathematics Aeronautics Materials for 4th-7th Grade Children Teaching Science, Engineering, and Mathematics to Deaf Students Teaching Science to the Visually Impaired Assistive Technology and Learning Disabilities
OVERVIEW OF ITD 1997 In 1997, ITD articles included more articles on library access including one on library and the law It also included several articles on teaching science and math
ITD V5 editorialized that "There's a very human element to teaching and learning, and no matter how technical the material is... teaching and learning strategies that focus on the person must be incorporated into the mix or the technology will not be successful.“ Its articles were all on science and math ITDV6 included articles on science, libraries, distance learning and more ITD VOLUMES 5-6
ITD V7N1- DAISY Daisy Consortium: Information Technology for the World's Blind and Print-disabled National Library Service For The Blind And Physically Handicapped: Digital Plans And Progress Digital Talking Book Standards Developed By NLS and Partners Under NISO Auspices Using Digital Talking Books In Schools RFB&D's Top Project Daisy on our desktops? A Review of LpPlayer 2.4
PUBLIC POLICY & ACCESSIBILITY 1 Federal regulation creates economic incentives for competition among technology companies From policy to practice: achieving equitable access to educational technology The importance of accurately measuring the accessibility of the federal electronic government: developing the research agenda
PUBLIC POLICY & ACCESSIBILITY 2 Federal Standard for Electronic and Information Technology Analyzing Recent Americans with Disabilities Act-based Accessible Information Technology Court Challenges Web Accessibility in Post-secondary Education Legal and Policy Considerations
Accessible Voting Equipment Challenges: Voter Verified Paper Ballots and More Using Extended and Enhanced Usability to Provide Access to Mainstream Electronic Voting Machines Disability and Voting: An Analysis of the Implementation of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 A New Way To Vote: Accessible, Affordable, Available HAVA, State Initiatives and Polling Place Accessibility in 2004 and Beyond Accessibility and Auditability in Electronic Voting Disability And Voting - The (As Of Yet) Unfulfilled Potential of The ADA and Rehabilitation Act ACCESSIBLE ELECTRONIC VOTING
ITD V8: DISTANCE LEARNING A Survey of Online Instructional Issues and Strategies for Postsecondary Students with Learning Disabilities The Design of Accessible Distance Education Environments that use Collaborative Learning Distance Learning and Disability: A View from the Instructor's Side of the Virtual Lectern Issues in Preparing Visually Disabled Instructors to Teach Online: A Case Study Universal Design of Distance Learning
WHAT IS IN THE FUTURE? A peer-reviewed, professional e-journal produced by volunteers takes commitment, time and energy from people who are already overworked! Because such a publication has value, ATHEN and EASI are discussing either reviving 1 or both publications or starting something new. Are you interested as an author, an editor, a reviewer or other?