SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE WRITING Professor Charles O. Uwadia At the Conference on Transition in Observation –Knowledge – Intelligence (TOKI2014) held at the University of Lagos, August 20 – 22, 2014.
Outline of Presentation Introduction Components of a Scientific Article/Contents Conclusion 2
Introduction - Essence of Article writing Why write a Scientific article? A way of expressing/documenting or ventilating the outcome of research findings and conclusions Foundation or precursor of Scientific article writing is conducting research in a topical field 3
Introduction - Conducting Research [Shuttleworth, 2008] describes research as “..any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge”. [Creswell, 2008] states that “Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyse information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue”. 4
Introduction - Major steps in conducting scientific research [Hoogenbroom and Manske, 2012] Identification of research problem Survey and critique of literature/literature review State purpose of research State research questions Specify a Conceptual framework – could be a set of hypotheses Methodology (for data collection) Data Collection Analysis and interpretation of data Reporting and evaluating research Communicating research findings and recommendations. 5
Introduction.. Products of scientific articles fit for submission to a peer-reviewed journal requires substantial effort when composing / creating, writing, and submitting the article and manuscripts (time consuming and often daunting). Barriers to effective writing include – lack of experience, poor writing habits, writing anxiety, unfamiliarity with the requirements of scholarly writing, resistance to feedback. 6
Introduction - Criteria considered by Reviewers Criteria that guide Reviewers in accepting articles for publication include: Importance, timeliness, relevance, and prevalence of the problem addressed. the quality of writing (well-written, clear, straightforward, easy to follow, and logical) appropriate design, rigorous, comprehensive literature review-focused, up-to-date use of sufficiently large sample 7
Introduction – Some reasons why articles are rejected Wrong or over-interpretation of results Use of inappropriate, sub-optimal or insufficiently described population or instruments. inadequate or biased samples. Poorly written or deficient to follow text 8
Introduction - Format Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Appendices. Usually, Results are written first, then, Introduction and Discussion; Conclusion and References. Abstract should come last. Communication Skills –Ideas, procedures, and outcomes/results should be described as accurately as possible. Use of Figures and graphics – Do everything possible to avoid plagiarism; ample citations are required to acknowledge consulted works. 9
Components of a Scientific Article Title – Should be specific and describe the contents of the paper Should summarise the outcomes/results of the article; should not be unnecessarily long Authors – Person who did the work and wrote the article is generally listed as the first/lead author of the article Other researchers who made substantial contributions to the work are also listed Mentor’s name could be listed if permission is sought and granted 10
Components of a Scientific Article.. Abstract – Summary of article/study written in third person/reported speech Should be brief, accurate, and concise Structure and size are usually provide in instructions to authors Usually written last due to possible changes or revisions in article 11
Components of a Scientific Article.. Introduction and Literature review: o Significance of topic. o Information gap in the available literature associated with the topic. o Literature review in support of key questions. o Purposes/objectives and hypotheses. o Focused literature review. o Citation of literature should be consistent and conform to publisher’s standard 12
Components of a Scientific Article.. Methodology clearly describes specific design of study, and provides clear and concise description of procedures performed. Include: Population, equipment, and tools used. How population, equipment, and tools were prepared and used during study Protocol used Outcomes and how they were measured Methods used for data analysis. Statistical methods used to analyze data. 13
Components of a Scientific Article.. Results, Discussions and Conclusions -Report results neutrally as obtained; -Discuss where result is similar or different from other published results and why; -Final summative statement that reflect the flow and outcomes of the entire paper. 14
Components of a Scientific Article.. References – Should be relevant to article All listed References should be cited in the body of article All cited references should be listed under References Reference listing should conform to guidelines of the publisher Web references should indicate date of download/reference 15
Conclusion Writing scientific articles suitable for publication in a peer-review journals is both an art and science It involves identifying a genuine story to tell, and telling the story well The bedrock of any genuine story telling is Research 16
References 1.Creswell, J. W, (2008); Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating quantitative and Qualitative Research. Upper saddle River, NJ. Pearson education Inc. 2.Hoogenboom, B. J, (2012); Manske, R. C; How to Write a Scientific Article; International Journal of Sports Therapy, Vol. 7(5). 3.Shuttleworth, M (2008); Definition of Research, Accessed on August 3,