Rights and Responsibilities: Volunteering experience © Volunteering SA&NT Inc.
This session will cover: Definition of Volunteering Volunteering Principles Volunteer Stats Rights/Responsibilities of Organisations Rights / Responsibilities for Volunteers Volunteer Protection Act Questions
Volunteer : White board
“All people in the world should have the right to freely offer their time, talent and energy to others and their communities through individual and collective action, without expectation of financial reward.” Adopted IAVE Netherlands 2001 Universal declaration of volunteering
Formal volunteering is an activity which takes place in not-for-profit organisations or projects and is: A service given of one’s own free will without coercion For no financial payment To benefit the community and the volunteer In designated volunteer positions only Informal volunteering occurs outside an organisational setting Definition of volunteering
Who is a volunteer? A housewife who donates time to charitable causes because the women in her family have always gained community prestige by doing so.
Who is a volunteer? A teenager who offers to program the computer at a non-profit agency in order to establish an “employment” history. After three months, he intends to quit and apply for a job at a local company.
Who is a volunteer? A mother who becomes leader of a Girl Scout troop because of her daughter’s desire to be a Scout. No one else will lead the troop, so the mother agrees to take over, but only as long as her own daughter is involved.
Who is a volunteer? The six-month-old baby who accompanies her parents to visit seniors at a nursing home and lightens the hearts of the residents.
Difference between paid and volunteer staff What is your understanding: Whiteboard
Difference between paid and volunteer staff Paid staff Perform for a wage or salary Conditions set through awards or agreements Legal rights and responsibilities Volunteers License
Volunteering benefits the community and the volunteer; Volunteer work is unpaid; Volunteering is always a matter of choice; Volunteering is not compulsorily undertaken to receive pensions or government allowances; Volunteering is a legitimate way in which citizens can participate in the activities of their community; Principles of volunteering
Volunteering is a vehicle for individuals or groups to address human, environmental and social needs; Volunteering is an activity performed in the not for profit sector only; Volunteering is not a substitute for paid work; Volunteers do not replace paid workers nor constitute a threat to the job security of paid workers; Volunteering respects the rights, dignity and culture of others; and Volunteering promotes human rights and equality. Principles of volunteering
Intent behind these: Volunteering is an activity performed in the not for profit sector only; Volunteering is not a substitute for paid work;
The Stats How many people volunteer in Australia: a.2.8 million b.3.4 million c.6.4 million d.7.2 million
The Stats The volunteer workforce in Australia was estimated to provide over $14.6 billion of unpaid labour in (ABS Satellite Accounts) The total annual hours volunteered in 2006 were 713 million. The median weekly number of hours volunteered in 2006 was 1.1hrs. The median annual number of hours volunteered in 2006 was 56hrs.
The Stats
Volunteer Who is a typical volunteers? Where do they usually volunteer?
Sport Education/ Training/ Youth development Community/Welfare Religion Health Art/Culture Business/Professional/Union Environment/Animal Law/Justice Emergency Services Foreign/International Diversity of volunteer roles
Why do people Volunteer? ABS Voluntary Work, Australia, 2006
Very busy Wants flexibility Wants new hi-tech ways to get the job done Not only want to make a contribution - they want to make a difference Profile of today’s volunteer © Volunteering SA&NT Inc.
Rights of Organisations make decisions about appropriate placement review volunteer performance according to organisational policies and procedures expect volunteers to perform the given tasks expect from all volunteers, respect and courtesy towards all clients, paid and voluntary staff set the parameters and guidelines of the volunteer work positions release a volunteer who is not appropriate for the role © Volunteering SA&NT Inc.
Organisation Responsibilities….
Responsibilities of Organisations © Volunteering SA&NT Inc. provide a clear outline of duties provide insurance cover for their volunteers provide orientation and necessary training recognise volunteers for their hours and years of service set clear lines of communication about complaints and conflict resolution procedures provide safe, healthy working conditions include volunteers in relevant decision making processes provide supervision and support provide emergency procedures guidelines provide required documentation relating to the volunteer work to be undertaken
Volunteer rights To work in a healthy and safe environment To be covered by insurance Not to be discriminated against Not to do the work of paid staff To receive orientation and training To have a role description and agreed working hours To have access to relevant policies and procedures that affect your work © Volunteering SA&NT Inc.
Volunteer responsibilities…….
Volunteer Responsibilities Adhere to policies and procedures Respect and maintain privacy and confidentiality Be punctual, dependable and reliable Be respectful of others Speak to your supervisor when something goes wrong or isn’t working Undertake any training required Carry out your agreed duties in the agreed time frame Accept evaluation and feedback © Volunteering SA&NT Inc.
Volunteer checklist © Volunteering SA&NT Inc. Aim/s of volunteer involvement in the organisation Support structures/mechanisms for volunteers Recruitment & employment procedures of volunteer staff Volunteer involvement, appropriate roles and job & person descriptions Orientation, education & training for volunteers Recognition of volunteer contribution to the organisation
Legislative requirements What laws do you think may apply to you as a volunteer/ or your volunteers? What do you need to know about them?
Relevant Legislation Volunteer Protection Act
VOLUNTEER PROTECTION ACT The Volunteer Protection Act 2001 clearly states that “a volunteer incurs no personal civil liability for an act or omission done or made in good faith and without recklessness in the course of carrying out community work for a community organisation”. The organisation supports the volunteer by limiting the personal liability for negligence of the volunteer by transferring the liability to the community organisation which is covered by Department of Health public liability insurance. Also the organisation will limit the right to bring proceedings against the volunteer personally.
Workplace Safety Laws Harassment/bullying Equal opportunity Discrimination Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Insurance and liability Industrial policy relating to volunteer work
Summary Valued role Recognised role Support available for both organisations and volunteers
Any reflections to share
Resources Volunteering Australia website VSA & NT Publications AAMoV
Thank You