What’s in it for Students? Bonnie Schroeder, MSW, RSW Regional Director, Eastern Ontario OASW Provincial Board of Directors
The Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW) is the voice of social workers in Ontario. OASW is a voluntary, provincial, non-profit bilingual association for social workers. All practising members have a university degree in social work at the bachelor's, master's or doctoral level. Incorporated in 1964, OASW has approximately 4200 members and 15 branches across the province.
What is the difference? – Association and College In Ontario, the role of professional associations is separate and distinct from the role of professional regulatory bodies. The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW) is a regulatory body whose primary duty is to serve and protect the public interest. The College’s mandate is to regulate the practice of social work and social service work and to govern its members. The interests and concerns of the profession are served by belonging to both organizations. To learn more about the role of the regulatory body for social workers in Ontario, visit
The role of OASW is: to provide critical analysis of provincial government social policies to advocate for reforms to policies and programs to ensure that all members of the community have the same basic rights, protections, opportunities and social benefits to provide critical analysis of government policies and practice that impact on social wok practice to advocate on behalf of the profession when there are threats or impingements on practice to enhance the understanding of the role of social workers by the public, the media, government and other professions to provide professional practice and employment supports, as well as tangible and intangible benefits to members
The strength of OASW's voice and the issues it can address are dependent upon the commitment of individual social workers to support the work of OASW through membership. Join OASW: to support professional and social advocacy initiatives to keep informed on current issues related to social work practice to access professional development and employment opportunities to network with social workers in similar fields of practice to get advice on workplace issues to be eligible for special services and benefits available only to members (e.g., substantially discounted professional liability insurance)
Advocacy Professional Practice Continuing Competency Employment Services Private Practice Services Tangible Benefits and Services Publications Leadership and Networking Opportunities Social Work Week Awards
OASW in Action - Advocacy Under Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regulation, SW authorized “medical practitioners” Ontario Pre-Budget Consultation, 2011 Amendment to the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998; Use of the Title “Doctor”, 2010 Bill 179: Regulated Health Professions Statute Law Amendment Act, 2009 5-Year Review of the Auto Insurance Act, 2008 Psychotherapy Act, 2007 Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998
OASW in Action - Promotion YouTube Videos: The Face of Social Work in Ontario, 2012 Video #1 - Hope: Video #2 - Audrey: Video #3 - Emily:
OASW in Action - Role Statements Social Work Skills & Knowledge in Health Care (2012) Social Work Skills & Knowledge in Health Care (2012) Role Statement and Procedures for Social Workers in the Motor Vehicle Accident Sector (2012) Role Statement and Procedures for Social Workers in the Motor Vehicle Accident Sector (2012) Role of Social Work in Mental Health (2006) Role of Social Work in Mental Health (2006) Role of Social Work in Hospital-Based Health Care (2005) Role of Social Work in Hospital-Based Health Care (2005) Role of Social Work in Community-Based Health Care (2005) Role of Social Work in Community-Based Health Care (2005) Role of Social Work in Primary Health Care - Family Health Teams (2005) Role of Social Work in Primary Health Care - Family Health Teams (2005)
OASW in Action - Position Papers Social Workers: Key Players in the Provision of Mental Health and Addictions Services (2012) Social Workers: Key Players in the Provision of Mental Health and Addictions Services (2012) Social Workers: Addressing the Needs of Patients and Families in a Changing Healthcare System (2009) Social Workers: Addressing the Needs of Patients and Families in a Changing Healthcare System (2009) Social Work, Primary Care and Family Health Teams in Ontario: Delivering Comprehensive Family-Centered Care (2005) Social Work, Primary Care and Family Health Teams in Ontario: Delivering Comprehensive Family-Centered Care (2005)
OASW in Action - Coalitions Campaign 2000 Coalition on the Physical Punishment of Children and Youth Alliance of Professional Associations for Community-Based Therapy Services (APACTS) Coalition of Regulated Health Professional Associations and Allied Organizations Bridging Employment Program for Internationally Educated Social Work Professionals
Publications OASW NewsMagazine Registered Social Workers: Good Therapy for Business, 2012 Elder Abuse: A Practical Handbook for Service Providers - Second Edition, 2009 Legal Guide for Social Workers - 2nd Edition, 2009 Guidelines for Social Workers in Private Practice, 2006 Generating Your Own Employment: An Introductory Handbook for Social Workers, 2005 How to Conduct an Effective Job Search, 2005
FindaSocialWorker.ca SocialWorkJobs.ca Professional Development & Educational Grants LMS PROLINK Professional Liability Insurance Program OASW Job Search Initiative OASW Annual Student Membership Award Virtual Networking Groups: Family Health TeamsFrancophone/Bilingual Social Workers Home CareMVA-Auto Insurance-Disability Sector School Social WorkersPrivate Practice (2 groups 5 years)
1. In 2012, the slogan for Social Work Week in Ontario is "Social Workers Help People Get Back on Track". TRUE/FALSE 2. Social workers work with individuals and families across all social, economic and age groups. TRUE/FALSE 3. Few professions match social work for the wide variety of settings in which they work and the range of services they provide. TRUE/FALSE 4. Social workers advocate for change in social conditions that restrict access to equitable services. TRUE/FALSE 5. Social determinants of health play a crucial role in overall health and well-being. TRUE/FALSE 6. Social workers assist people to resolve problems that affect their day-to-day lives. TRUE/FALSE 7. Social workers focus on people's strengths, look at people's problems within the context of their families, workplace and communities, and consider the connection between personal problems and larger social issues. TRUE/FALSE 8. The role of social work is well understood and does not need to be promoted with members of the public, employers and colleagues in other fields of practice. TRUE/FALSE 9. The title "social worker" is protected under provincial law in Ontario and can only be used by individuals registered with the OCSWSSW.. TRUE/FALSE 10. The OASW is the voice of social workers in Ontario. TRUE/FALSE
The New Social Worker Online Social Work News (World/Canada) Social Care Network – The Guardian (UK) Social Work Today (US) The Social Work Podcast (US)
Shira Moalem, PhD (c) OASW Student Director Bonnie Schroeder, MSW, RSW OASW Regional Director, Eastern