1 What can you do to lower yours? Mohammed Alshammari Ben Bahlenhorst Zheng Fu Joe Hill Ian Laird Long Nguyen Binh Phan Application 13.1.


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Presentation transcript:

1 What can you do to lower yours? Mohammed Alshammari Ben Bahlenhorst Zheng Fu Joe Hill Ian Laird Long Nguyen Binh Phan Application 13.1

 Carbon Footprint: The amount of carbon dioxide or other carbon compounds emitted into the atmosphere by the activities of an individual, company, country, etc. 2 In 2009, the average American’s carbon footprint was equivalent to 28 tons of CO 2. “Carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels accounted for 82 percent of the greenhouse gas released in 2006” (Van Beest). “The carbon footprint concept took hold at a 1979 U.S. Senate energy committee discussion” (Van Beest).

 Electricity Production:  Largest contributor to CO 2 emissions.  Transportation:  Fossil fuels are burned to power ships, trains, planes, and automobiles.  Industry:  Chemical reactions are necessary to produce goods from raw materials.  Commercial and Residential:  Fossil fuels are burned for heat.  Agriculture:  Emissions come from livestock, like cows, agricultural soils, and rice production. 3

Background:  No electricity generation technology is ‘carbon free’.  All electricity generation technologies have a carbon footprint.  8 different electricity generation technologies analyzed. Result: All electricity generation technologies emit CO 2 at some point during their life cycle. Fossil fuelled electricity generation has the largest carbon footprint (>1,000gCO 2 eq/kWh). ‘Low carbon’ technologies have low carbon footprints (<100gCO 2 eq/kWh). Future carbon footprints can be reduced for all electricity generation technologies if the high CO 2 emission phases are fuelled by low carbon energy sources. 4

 Average CO 2 emissions from 1 gallon of gasoline = 8,887 grams of CO 2 per gallon.  The average vehicle emits 5.5 metric tons of CO 2 emissions every year, and 55 metric tons over the course of a decade.  Find your annual CO 2 emissions = (CO 2 per gallon (8,887g) ÷ MPG) * annual miles traveled  Hybrid cars emit far less than the average (≈4 metric tons annually).  A more competitive commodity in the carbon footprint market than traditional automobiles.  Depends on consumer demand for less GHG emissions.  New Fuel Economy labels indicate Fuel Economy & Green House Gas Emissions Rating and Smog Rating for new cars.  Assists consumer decision making in the GHG market. 5

Background:  Third major source of CO 2.  Cement, iron, steel industry, and chemical production account for the majority of CO 2.  CO 2 is generated directly (burning fossil fuels) or indirectly (using electricity) through the manufacturing process. Results:  CO 2 emissions in industries continue to increase due to economic and population growth.  The US Environmental Protection Agency has calculated carbon footprints for paper, plastic, glass, cans, computers, carpet, and tires.  Developing countries don’t have strong enforcements on CO 2 emissions for industries.  Only a few manufacturers put carbon labels on their products. 6

No standard method for computing a carbon footprint at this point. Solutions:  Each government issues a standard method for calculating carbon footprints.  Continue passing new emission standards.  Carbon labels:  Manufacturers must provide carbon labels on their products.  Consumer Behavior:  Educate consumers about carbon footprints.  Change the way you consume. For example: buy energy saving bulbs.  Technology:  Switch from fossil fueled electricity to wind, nuclear, and hydro electricity.  Continue researching hybrid, diesel, and electricity technology for transportation. 7

   lresidential.html lresidential.html     footprint/ footprint/  footprint-electricity-generation.pdf footprint-electricity-generation.pdf 8