Guidance for Your Research Project Report Writing Guidance for Your Research Project
A recommended format Title page Abstract Table of contents Introduction Literature Survey Methodology Results & Discussion Conclusions Recommendations for further work Appendices References/ bibliography
Title page Title Image Clear title appropriate to purpose of report Make it attractive but Avoid unnecessary decoration Only use an image if it is relevant adds to the project Title Image (Optional) Author Supervisor Date
Abstract The purpose of the abstract is to provide those with little time the opportunity to quickly grasp the main points Should be a miniature of the main report with Aims Methodology Results/Conclusion Must only consider points contained in the report Make it short – ½ page maximum
in Word to build Contents Table of Contents Contents Page 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Aims 1 1.3 Objectives 2 Literature Search 3 3 Materials and Methods 4 4 Etc. Decide on appropriate level of headings & sub-headings Use “Insert” function in Word to build Contents
Introduction Why Undertake the research? Set the scene Include aims and/or objectives What hypothesis are you testing? State value of the report How is the report structured? Keep it brief
Literature review A summary of previous research as reported in books, journals and other media Critical summary of current and recent research What is the current state of knowledge? What are the strengths & weaknesses of existing research? Where does your project fit in? Should also provide an account of the theoretical background to the project
Methodology How, when, where, (why?) did you collect the data/ information, e.g. Laboratory testing Survey Literature search You should try to give clear reasons for your choice of methodolgy This may include choice of equipment
Results & Discussion The bulk of the report. Provide a logical flow, for example; 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Analytical Results 3.1.1 Protein 3.1.2 Ash 3.1.3 Moisture 3.1.4 Fat 3.2 Preference testing 3.3 Statistical analysis
Results & Discussion Use a “Storyboard” for preparation and logical structure Allocate word count at planning stage; most important section gets largest share Present your information, but also analyse it; give possible explanations for your findings How do your findings relate to theory?
Recommendations & Conclusions Draws your findings together Refer to your aims and objectives when writing this section (i.e. aims and objectives considered as questions, conclusion the answer) Recommendations: Now that all important issues have been considered, what do you think should happen now?
Appendices Contains essential information but could be a distraction to the reader, e.g. copy of questionnaire used Allows the reader to decide if they should refer to this information
References Difference between reference and bibliography? References have been directly used and cited in the body of the text Bibliography includes sources that have been consulted, but have not been directly used or cited – often a guide to further reading Your report should contain a list of references
References/ Bibliography A full list – in proper format should be provided – see DISSC website (Below) Use the Harvard System unless your supervisor says otherwise Information on referencing at
General Points Headings & numbering Use third person Never introduce new material in conclusion ABC; Accurate, brief, concise Proof read (use English spellchecker) Editing and printing takes time Computer failure not an excuse for late submission
General Points Adopt a consistent style. Write in the third person. Label all diagrams, photographs, data presentation & refer to them in the text! Source all photographs etc. And so avoid accusation of plagiarism Word process, 1.5 or double line spacing Adequate margins all round Min. 3.2 cm all round.