G ENDER AND A GE D IFFERENCES IN P SYCHOLOGICAL D ISTRESS Nicole Sagullo Psyc 221L, Fall 2012 Trinity College
P SYCHOLOGICAL D ISTRESS Distress: depressive, anxiety, and personality disorders Phillips, 2009 K6: short 6-question survey to identify psychological distress Choi & DiNitto, 2001 Kessler et al., 2002
P SYCHOLOGICAL D ISTRESS AND G ENDER Women > Men Depressive symptoms Nolen-Hoeksema, 2010 Mood and anxiety disorders Eaton et al., 2012
P SYCHOLOGICAL D ISTRESS AND A GE Young adults > Older Adults Psychological distress Brown et al., 2007 years > years Depression (MDD) Harkness et al., 2010
H YPOTHESES Main Effects Women > Men Young adults > Older Adults Interaction Effect Greater difference between young and older women
M ETHOD K6 scores: Psychological distress K6: range 0-24 G= 4.65 (SD = 4.58). Young adults v. Older Adults Young: years old Older: years old
R ESULTS Main effect for gender: significant F (1, 33588) = , p<.001, R 2 =.006, MSw = Men(M = 4.27, SD = 4.42) < women (M = 4.98, SD = 4.69)
R ESULTS Main effect for age: significant F (1, 33588) = , p<.001, R 2 =.006, MSw = year olds (M = 5.08, SD = 4.42) > year olds (M = 4.65, SD = 4.57).
R ESULTS Interaction: significant F (1, 33588) = 7.72, p<.01, R 2 =.00023, MSw =
C ONCLUSIONS Women > Men SUPPORTED Hormones/neurobiology? Societal/social influences? Young adults > Late Adults SUPPORTED Inexperienced? Greater age difference among women : SUPPORTED Hormones/neurobiological changes? Social influences on women’s perception?
I MPLICATIONS Young (18-25 year old) women= more psychological distress Men= less reported psychological distress
F UTURE R ESEARCH Psychological Distress Depression Anxiety and Mood Antisocial mannerisms Substance Abuse Age Range Greater range Different Scale
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