By: Jarred Pabst
Also known as point source pollution, this kind of contamination is caused when waste is discharged directly into the water. The most recent event of this kind would be the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Yet, as noted on top, only 20% of water pollution is caused by water based activities. In other words, even if you’re not a beach person, you still have a hand in turning our water grey. Non point source pollution is when harmful chemicals and substances are carried to the water by environmental changes. Litter, human sewage, fertilizers and raw waste sooner or later all cause, unless treated, sediments that end up on the bottom of ponds, lakes and rivers. Not all people are eco-inclined and that’s understandable, yet we are all health oriented. So if you don’t care about the coral reef, you’ll probably care about catching diarrhea caused by water pollution which is responsible for 1.5 million annual deaths worldwide. Add to that figure another 13.5 million deaths a year caused by different water pollution triggered ailments in developing countries but not only, and you’ll come to realize that water pollution is a people problem rather than a fish problem. 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, storm water, and industrial waste are discharged into American waters every year
Air pollution is not political. It is in countries the world over. Air pollution from China has been tracked to the Central Valley of California!In the Philippines, auto sales are up close to 30%. Correspondingly, so is air pollution. Some 2 million cars in Manila now cause 80% of air pollution there.In India, air pollution is believed to cause 527,700 fatalities a year.The European Environmental Agency reports that 50,000 British Citizens die every year from bad air there.Tailpipe emissions account for 70 percent of the air pollution in major Chinese cities Studies have estimated that the number of people killed annually from air pollution in the US could be over 50,000.In Southern California alone, 5,000 annual premature deaths are attributed to pollution from short-haul diesel trucks!Air pollution has been around a long time. The Great Smog of 1952 in London killed at least 8,000 people. World Health Organization: The European Union could save up to 161 billion Euros a year by reducing deaths caused by air pollution. Over 80% of lung damaging particulate matter in comes from cars, trucks, buses, and other vehicles on the road.Air pollution around cities is clearly visible from space. Air pollution in large cities is now the worst. It is estimated that 750,000 people die prematurely in China each year, mainly from air pollution in large cities. Electric vehicles stir up dust like other vehicles, but they do not emit gases like other vehicles.On days when pollution levels are up, it is better not to go out and exercise. If you think air pollution affects only other people, think again. Recent work shows that air pollution from vehicles and power stations is cutting people's lives short in the UK by an average of 6 months..
In California, air pollution kills more people (25,000 per year) than car crashes, and costs around $200 Million in medical expenses.In China about 300,000 people die yearly from lung cancer and heart disease directly related to air pollution.In places where the pollution is real thick, people need to wear masks. Back in the day, some 20,000 were killed by fallout from some 2,000 nuclear tests. Strong perfume can be as bad to breathe as cigarette smoke!As light crude oil gets scarcer, heavy oil and tar sands get more and more produced. Producing heavy crude increases air pollution up to 40% over producing lighter crude!It has recently been shown in the Journal Lancet that traffic- induced air pollution.increases the risk of heart attack for anybody breathing that air. Global CO2 emissions actually dropped 1.3 percent in 2009, as reported in the The journal of Environmental Research Letters. However, emissions in China and India went up 9 and 6 percent respectively. The price of progress.
The average American discards 4.34 pounds of garbage every day. However, when construction and demolition waste and non-hazardous industrial waste is included, the industry manages nearly 545 million tons of solid waste each year. The total volume of solid waste produced in the U.S. each year is equal to the weight of more than 5,600 Nimitz Class air craft carriers, 247,000 space shuttles, or 2.3 million Boeing 747 jumbo jets.If we put all of the solid waste collected in the U.S. in a line of average garbage trucks, that line of trucks could cross the country, extending from New York City to Los Angeles, more than 100 times.
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