A UTO P URCHASE By: Nicole Tranter
N EEDS VS. W ANTS 5 seats 4 doors Great gas mileage Safety Under $25,000 Silver or black Small car Air conditioning NeedsWants
S TYLE OF VEHICLE 4 door sedan
M ANUFACTURER OF V EHICLE ( USED 2013) Honda Accord Nissan Maximum Toyota Camry
C OMPARING T HREE M ANUFACTURES FuelSafetyPriceOverall Rating Warranty Honda Accord City 27/Hwy 36/Comb 30 MPG 5 Star$18,691 Hassle free, pleasing family car, fuel-efficient 3 years or 36,000 miles Nissan Maximum City 19/Hwy26 /Comb 22 MPG 4 Star$23,050 Fresh style, roomier accommodati ons, low price 3 years or 36,000 miles Toyota Camry City 25/Hwy 35/Comb 28 MPG 5 Star$18,417 Fuel- efficient, family sedan, hot new look 3 years or 36,000 miles
W INNER …. H ONDA A CCORD ! Best overall safety Fits in the budget Best gas mileage Best looking car Best overall ratings
C OMPARING T HREE S ELLERS OF T HE C AR PriceMileageWants KSL$19,50031,200Black, almost brand new, and in the budget Kelly Blue Book $19,99319,107Black, low mileage Auto Trader$27,80713,963Black, low mileage, Price per month: $796.13
W INNER … K ELLY B LUE B OOK ! Good price Good Mileage Had all of my wants and needs
T WO Y EAR F INANCING RatesPrices per month Mountain America2.34%$ per month Zion3.34%$ per month US Bank2.49%$ per month
A LTERNATE F ORM OF T RANSPORTATION In warm weather; Convenient Work out Faster than walking Low maintenance Saving me- $ per month or $19,107 for two years Works in all weather Faster than walking No maintenance Adult monthly pass is $62.75 Always running Saving me- $ per month or $17,601 for two years BikeBus