FINAL PROJECT Bliss Brannon, Dan Faulkner, Ryan Dickson
Our Idea We wanted to see which car was most popular in the mall parking lot We felt that there would be different people going to the mall on different days and at different times of the day.
Collection of Our Data We went to different malls on different days so that we would get a better representation of the people that go to the mall To get an even better representation of the population we also went at different times of the day While collecting our data we only collected every third car so that our data was random
Background The Ford Model-T was created in 1908 as the first car Since then they have been creating more aerodynamic cars that are able to go faster As gas prices went up car engine sizes went down, but the engine efficiency went up and cars became faster and more fuel efficient
Variables When collecting our data we decided to look at The make of the car The specific model What type of car it is (sedan, coupe, etc.) The color of the car Whether or not the car had a custom license plate The engine size
Which car do you think is most popular in the mall parking lot?
Make The most popular company that was in the mall parking lot was Toyota, with Honda not that far behind There were a lot of companies that only had one car in the parking lots
Type 46% of all of the cars we saw in the parking were sedans The type of car we saw least in the parking lot was a station wagon Surprisingly there were more SUVs then there were coupes
Color From this graph you can tell that the color that showed up the most in the mall parking lots was black
Custom License Plate There weren't that many cars in the parking lot that had a custom license plate Around 5% of the cars in the parking lot had a custom license plate and they weren't on any specific make or model
Engine Size Most of the engines were 4 cylinder The min was a 3 cylinder and the max was a V8
Country vs. Engine Size Ho: Engine size is independent from the country that it was made in Ha: Engine size is dependent from the country that it was made in
Conditions Categorical Data? SRS? All expected cell counts are greater than 5? Yes The sample is random Yes
Work df=2 Chi-squared= P(chi-squared>34.45)=0.0001
Conclusion We reject our Ho because our p-value of.0001 is less that alpha of We have sufficient evidence the engine size does depend on what country the car was made in.
Test on SUV Ho: p = 10% Ha: p > 10%
Conditions SRS? np and nq > 10 Pop > 10n The sample of the cars was random 12 and 38 > 10 All SUVs > 2090 Z=6.94 P (z>6.94) =.0001
Conclusion We reject our Ho because our p-value of is less than alpha of 0.05 We have sufficient evidence that there was a greater percent of SUVs in the mall parking lot then the percent of SUVs in America.
Test on Toyota Ho: p = 12% Ha: p > 12% SRS? np and nq > 10 Pop > 10n The sample of the cars was random 12 and 38 > 10 All Toyota > 450
Test We reject our Ho because our p-value of is less than alpha of 0.05 We have sufficient evidence that the percent of Toyotas in the mall parking lot was greater then the percent of Toyotas in America. Z=3.184 P(z>3.184) =
Bias and Error We went to the mall on a holiday weekend so some people that may frequently visit the mall may have been on vacation We may not have gone every third car the whole time because some of the vehicles names are on the side of the car and we couldn’t get them. The engine size was assumed based on the model, but the car could have gotten and engine swap and had a larger engine then assumed.
Personal Opinion We thought that the most popular cars would be the Honda Accord, Civic, and the Toyota Camry Bliss and Dan thought that the most popular color would be black, and Ryan thought the most color would be silver We felt that there would be more sedans then anything else, and the most popular engine would be a 4 cylander
Conclusion We are able to conclude which color, make, model, engine size, and type of car were most popular Color: Black Make: Toyota Model: Camry Engine Size: 4 Cylinder Type: Sedan We noticed that different cars are driven to the mall on different days and different times of the day