Example of SIMONE Network Manager Integration Plinacro project description
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia PLINACRO Project – Basic facts Croatian national gas transport network Coveres northern part, from east to west, with tendency of expanding to whole teritory of Croatia Complex topology – loops, parallel lines Different pipeline characteristics (diameter, length, roughness, altitude profile, etc.) Complex technology – different pressure levels (75, 50, 20,.. bar), regulation nodes, etc. Large number of off-take stations – appr. 140 from very small to very large Gas supplied from domestic gas production (20 in-take stations) and from import (1 border in-take station) More than 150 distribution networks and direct industrial consumers connected to Plinacro gas network Underground gas storage OKOLI used to compensate for seasonal and short-term gas consumption variation
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia Plinacro SCADA system ABB Network Manager 2 SCADA servers, 2 UDW servers, 1 DE server, 1 web server, 1 GIS/TIS server 3 operator workstations 2 DE workstation Private communication network (microwave and UHV radio, fiber optic) 66 RTUs connecting dispatching centre with: appr. 30 major off-take stations 7 major in-take stations 9 regulating nodes 1 underground gas storage block stations, etc. Special functions subsystem featuring Load forecasting Realtime simulation Leak detection and localization Look-ahead simulation Predictive simulation Application modules PLINACRO Project – Basic facts / cont.
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia Special functions subsystem – Block diagram
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia Gas meter readings (manual operation) Hourly metered values are recorded locally in gas meters or data loggers Periodically, recorded values are uploaded in PC and sent (or brought) to dispatching center Collected data is stored in MS Access database MS Access application enables: data analysis, reporting, aggregation and UDW update Data stored in UDW by gas consumer (instead of by individual meter lines) Nominations Nominations sent by gas shipper INA for: Gas production (20 in-take points) Gas import (1 in-take point) Special consumers (power plants, petrochemistry, sugar factories) Hourly profiles stored in XML files which are sent to Plinacro In Plinacro, received XML files are used to update UDW Same application used by Plinacro to create hourly profiles for underground storage Meteo data Weather forecast for 2 variables (temperature, cloudness) on 6 locations received twice per day (flat ascii file received by ftp) Forecast consists of 174 hourly values, starting from 01:00 or 13:00 hours of current day Weather history received periodically for longer time period (eg. per month) Received meteo data stored in MS Access database, and after that sent to UDW External data sources
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia Special consumers (power plants, petrochemistry, sugar factories) Shipper INA sends monthly nominations, which can be updated daily Stepwise curves, received in XML files, stored in UDW Operators are able to change contents of XML files Large distribution networks and direct industrial consumers Special program LOAD FORECAST used for load prediction Load forecast run twice a day Forecasting method: Kalman filter, exponential smoothing Input data stored in UDW in the form of hourly time series data: Previous day online gas counter reading history Previous day weather history Medium term weather forecast 2 weather parameters (air temperature and cloudness) and type of day used as influence variables Currently, weather forecast is used to create weather history! Load forecast stored in UDW in the form of hourly time series data Small nontelemetered distribution networks and direct industrial consumers Constant load Updated periodically – average historic values derived from manual meter readings Load forecasting
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia SIMONE – gas network model Basis for all SIMONE applications Developed in SIMONE TOPO editor tool ALL pipelines included Real altitude profiles entered Default pipe wall roughness entered (additional tuning necessary) ALL off-take stations ALL in-take stations Switching elements (valves) for occasional topology modification – online or manual Control elements (pressure and flow regulators) “Star-like” regulating nodes – customization for Plinacro Different gas qualities on in-take points
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia SIMONE realtime execution State reconstruction and Leak detection controled by Cycle control program Basic cycle length 3 min. In data preparation phase 266 flows, pressures and other values imported from NM After reconstruction run some calculated values are exported to NM User can view ALL calculated values in SIMONE GUI (different ways) Some calculated values can be viewed in NM environment
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia SIMONE realtime – data presentation in SIMONE GUI
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia SIMONE realtime – data presentation in SIMONE GUI
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia SIMONE realtime – data presentation in NM environment
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia SIMONE look-ahead run Look-ahead simulation execution controled by Cycle control program Look-ahead cycle length - 3 min. In data preparation phase boundary flow profiles are imported from NM Special initial scenario is prepared and updated regularly for nontelemetered consumers Initial state – estimated network state taken from realtime run Setpoint values retain actual values from realtime run and stay constant during whole period of simulation Simulation interval – 24 hours in advance from actual time User can view ALL calculated values ONLY in SIMONE GUI
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia SIMONE Status export to NM Status information in the form of numerical variables after each state reconstruction run exported to NM Special SPL program in NM analyses received values and updates corresponding data points in AVANTI database Operators can view information on special picture Calculated values are processed and, if appropriate, entered in event or alarm list
9th SIMONE Congress, October 15-17, 2008 Dubrovnik, Croatia SIMONE and ABB NM Integration - Future Load forecasting improvement Forecasting of nontelemetered consumers – additional program for load forecasting Integration of TeleReading system and using Load Forecast program for all consumers Using own measurements of weather parameters Redundancy support improvement – in progress Export of Look-ahead simulation results in NM Online “What-If” studies to support network operators Improvement of Simone system status export in NM Opimization when compressor station is installed.