NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 1 WBS5 Central Instrumentation/Data Acquisition and Controls G. E. Oliaro for the Computer I&C, Network Engineering Groups and NSTX I&C Team Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory NCSX CDR 5/22/02 Princeton NJ 08543
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 2 Primary Design Basis of WBS 5 The NCSX Design Leverages the NSTX Technology and Experience Base and Provides a Low Risk - Cost Effective Implementation. –Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) –Maximize Use of Open Source (Free) Software –Just-In-Time Design & Purchase –Steer Current NSTX Upgrades to Benefit NCSX Network CAMAC Replacement to CPCI & PCI Synchronization System Plasma Control (FIMM) –CAMAC Instrumentation Will Not Be Used In Design –Maximize Use of Experience Base at PPPL
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 3 NSTX I&C and Data Acquisition Team W. Davis J. Dong T. Gibney R. Marsala D. Mastrovito P. Roney P. Sichta K. Tindall J. Wertenbaker G. Zimmer
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 4 WBS 5 Project Elements WBS 51 TCP/IP network Infrastructure WBS 52 Central Facilities I&C WBS 53 Diagnostic Data Acquisition and Facility Computing WBS 54 Facility Timing and Synchronization WBS 55 Real Time Plasma and Power Supply Control System WBS 56 Central Safety and Interlock System WBS 57 Control Room Facility
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 5 WBS 51 TCP/IP Network Infrastructure Requirements –Provide Common Backbone For All NCSX Data Communications –Support >1GB of Data Per Shot –Minimum 100Mbps and 1Gbps (10Gbps?) links Cost Base is 10/100Mbps –Isolation of Physics, Engineering & Plant facilities –Firewall protection to Engineering & Plant networks from outside world –Fiber Optic network infrastructure for machine platform environment –Total of 150 Network Drops throughout NCSX Facility at D-Site and C-Site –Share Engineering and Physics Subnet with NSTX to Allow Seamless Sharing of Common Resources
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 6 TCP/IP Network Infrastructure Hub and Fiber Patch Points at 5 PPPL Locations Use Existing C-Site to D-Site Fiber Optic Runs Non-TCP/IP –24 fibers C-Site/D-Site for Plasma Control/Utility I&C –Timing and Synchronization –96 Diagnostic Fiber Optic Cables Between Test Cell and Control Room
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 7 WBS 52 Central Facilities I&C Requirements –Supervisory Control and Monitoring to All Engineering Subsystems Using Standard Distributed Control System (DCS) Functions –Provide Machine Operations Control, Timing and Synchronization With Other Operating Machines at PPPL Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Distributed Control System (DCS) Well Established World Wide User Community and Successful Use on NSTX –Multi-Platform & OS Base –Multiple I/O Capability: PLCs, PCI, CPCI, CAMAC, VME Standard DCS Capabilities –Trending –Alarms & Alarm Logging –Graphical Mimics, Control & Monitoring
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 8 Central Facilities I&C NCSX Day One (Similar to NSTX) Current NSTX I/O Points Access to PLC I/O Points Number of Subsystems 1110 Control & Monitoring Pages & Mimics Display Stations1120 Support Day One Engineering Subsystems with Expansion Capabilities
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 9 WBS 53 Diagnostic Data Acquisition and Facility Computing Design Requirements –All Data Available Online for Life of Machine –Access to All Engineering Process Control Data –Growth for >1GB of Data per Shot –Redundancy All Data on RAID 5 Battery Backup Cache Dual Power Supply Auto Configured Hot Spare RAID 5 Disk –Archive 3 Copies of Raw & Process Data Nightly Backup of Local Data Acquisition Computer & Central Data Server Data continuously Maintained on Central RAID 5 Storage Array
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 10 Diagnostic Data Acquisition and Facility Computing MDSplus (MIT) Set of Tools –Setup, Data Acquisition, Post-Processing Analysis, and Display –Pulsed Mode Experiments Access to Data With Unified Methods –MDSplus Ported to UNIX –MDSplus Clients Run on VMS/Unix/Windows. –Interfaces to FORTRAN, C, Java, IDL, Visual Basic, and LabView. Deploy 7 Remote Data Acquisition I/O Processors –VME, CPI, CPCI (Compact PCI) Deploy Primary UNIX Based MDSplus Data Acquisition Server Augment PPPL Facility Tape Backup System to 0.5 to 1.0 PB Augment PPPL Facility Compute Cluster
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 11 WBS 54 Facility Timing and Synchronization NCSX (Requirements)NSTX (TFTR 1970s) Guaranteed Simultaneity1us20 us-1ms Event Codes25616 Resolution100ns (10MHz)1us (1MHz) Single Clock Generator with Multiple Receiver System Two Approaches Using Existing Designs –Use the BNL/ORNL-Spallation_Neutron_Source (10 MHz) timing system –Upgrade NSTX (TFTR) Design to Current Technology Base
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 12 WBS 55 Real Time Plasma and Power Supply Control System Use Existing Hardware and Software System In Use For NSTX –Two Merlin 4 333MHz PPC Boards (20+ GFLOPS Total) –Clone Software With Parameter Changes for NCSX Power Supply RTC (PSRTC) Software GA Plasma Control System (PCS) Software Add 64 Digitizer Channels in NCSX Test Cell in Two Crates –Systran FiberExtreme Fiber Channel (1 Gbps) to Power Supply Building –DMA (160MBps) Into Array Processor Using PPPL Developed FPDP Input Multiplexing Module (FIMM)
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 13 WBS 56 Central Safety and Interlock System Multi Site –Access Control at Doors –Door Interlocks –E-Stop –Input from 10 subsystems Fail Safe Design –Redundant PLC –Outboard Electro-Mechanical Watch Dog Timers –Hard Wire Backup – Planned At This Time… –Uninterruptible Power Source EPICS Monitoring
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 14 WBS 57 Control Room Facility Requirements –Minimum of 3200 sq.ft. Main Control Room (Same As NSTX) to Support Collaborative Research –600 sq.ft. Diagnostic Rack Space Against Test Cell –Raised flooring. –25 dual workstation tables wired for network and power. –12-15 equipment racks wired for network and power. –Expandable closed circuit TV system with 3 PTZ cameras –Test Cell PA system –Diagnostic machine microphones data included in MDSplus tree –Dual screen, multi window “comfort” display system –Wireless Ethernet for the Physics network to support visitors and laptop computers
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 16 WBS 5 Cost & Schedule Breakdown 5Central I&C$4,115K 9.8%Cont.$403K 51TCP/IP Network Infrastructure$716K 5.0%$36K 52Central Facilities I&C$978K 10.0%$98K 53Data Acquisition & Facility Computing$641K 16.0%$103K 54Facility Timing & Synchronization$676K 14.0%$95K 55Real Time Power Supply Control$374K 8.0%$30K 56Central Safety Interlock System$409K 8.0%$33K 57Control Room Design$320K 3.0%$10K
NCSX NCSX CDR May 21-23, 2002 G. E. Oliaro Slide 17 Conclusions The NCSX Design Leverages the NSTX Technology and Experience Base and Provides a Low Risk - Cost Effective Implementation. –Low Schedule Risk - Mirrors Actual NSTX Experience –Backend Loading Saves Cost and Optimizes Technology Choices –PPPL IT Infrastructure Upgrades Today Will Benefit NCSX –Technology Chosen Empowers Small (<10) Experienced NSTX Team