Joe Papciak & J.D. Whitaker Web Marketing
Roles Already established as ‘Co-Leaders’ and ‘Team Members’ Assigned according to preference and ability
Meetings Held every other week Execution Agenda laid out Summary of what needs to be done the coming week What to expect next week After agenda completion, comments and concerns are expressed
Goals Long term and short term Short term goals are our weekly objectives assigned each week Long term goals include completion dates for the larger aspects of our project.
Challenges? Successfully utilizing the web to advertise IT. Limited Ideas Initial wrong direction
Communication Used to stay in contact throughout the week Wikipage Post ideas, comments, concerns, etc. Bi-weekly meetings Discuss current standings and future progression of project
How can leadership be improved? Better motivate team members? Not that they’re unmotivated Establish well-defined goals?
How can team comm be improved? Better utilization of wikipage? Additional meetings?
Possible future collaboration. Tech days Guerilla Marketing 2
Thank you for your time.