DuPont E-Sourcing Supplier Participation January 2012
Table of Contents IntroductionSlide 3Slide 3 DefinitionsSlide 4Slide 4 Supplier RegistrationSlide 7Slide 7 Accessing DuPont E-SourcingSlide 6Slide 6 Terms and Conditions of System UseSlide 10Slide 10 Supplier WorkbenchSlide 12Slide 12 eNegotiationsSlide 17Slide 17 Tool FunctionalitySlide 31Slide 31 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 2
DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Participation Introduction E-Sourcing is a web-based application that allows DuPont Buyers and select suppliers to collaborate electronically (on-line) and expedite the sourcing process. There are several different types of events (Markets) that a Buyer can create: a Request for Information (RFI) a Request for Proposal (RFP) a Request for Quote (RFQ) an Auction an eNegotiation The event or document types RFI, RFP and RFQ are also referred to RFX, a Request for X. This document will focus on how suppliers should respond to an eNegotiation. 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 3
DuPont E-Sourcing – What is an eNegotiation? What is an eNegotiation? Negotiations are an online event type in which a buyer bargains with one or more suppliers in order to reach an agreement on a purchase or a purchasing contract. 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 4
DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Registration Accessing DuPont E-Sourcing The supplier must first gain access to the DuPont extranet, where E-Sourcing is located. The Buyer must initiate the process by pre-registering the supplier on the DuPont E-Sourcing application. What to Expect for Registration The Buyer will send the supplier contact a form to complete that will request basic information about the company and the specific contact who will participating in the event. Once the supplier contact is granted access, s will be sent with a hyper-link to the site, his or her username, and a password. Additionally, the supplier contact will receive a separate invitation with the details of the event. 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 5
Accessing DuPont E-Sourcing 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 6
DuPont E-Sourcing – Accessing the E-Sourcing System Initial Log-on The supplier contact should immediately confirm that he/she can log onto the system once the link, username and password are received via . If a log-in issue exists, the supplier can contact DuPont E-Sourcing Global User Support. Contact information for support can be located on the DuPont Supplier Center. Accessing the Event The simplest way to find an event is to follow the hyperlink included in the invitation; however the event can also be accessed through To access DuPont E-Sourcing, follow the steps on the next slide. 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 7
StepAction 1.Connect to E-Sourcing by clicking on the hyperlink within the invitation or via The following screen will appear: 2.Enter Username and Password. DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Access 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 8 Click here to return to slide 30. Click here to return to slide 40.
StepAction 2.The second log-on screen will appear. 3.Enter Username and Password again. DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Access 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 9
DuPont E-Sourcing – Conditions Acceptance 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 10 DuPont requires all suppliers to agree to DuPont On-Line Site Terms and Conditions, Confidentiality Information Agreement and a Bidder’s Agreement. The supplier contact must accept all of the terms in order to proceed. The acceptance of the terms is only required upon the initial log-in. If the supplier contact has previously agreed to the Terms & Conditions, Confidentiality Agreement, and Bidder’s Agreement the system will bypass this process and go directly to the users’ Workbench. Click on the document there to view the Terms and Conditions that must be accepted by the supplier.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Conditions Acceptance (example) 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 11 Supplier must click on Accept to continue. This screen is for SAP Terms and Conditions.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Conditions Acceptance (example) 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 12 Supplier must click on Accept to continue. This screen is for DuPont Terms and Conditions.
Supplier Workbench 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 13
DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Workbench 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 14 Once log-on is successful, and the terms have been accepted, the supplier workbench will appear. Below is an example of the top portion of workbench. Click on the date in the calendar to view the events due for a specific date. Click on the title of the event to access the details. The Supplier Alerts section provides updates on actions taken.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Workbench Continued 8/6/2015 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 15 Below is an example of the second part of the of the Supplier Workbench. Contact information for supplier Help. The Report section will list the reports available to the supplier. The Active section provides status and links to active events.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Workbench Continued 8/6/2015 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 16 Below is an example of the last part of the of the Supplier Workbench. The New Discussions section provides a summary of open Discussions that were initiated during events. The Awarded section provides links to events that the supplier has been awarded. The Active Agreements and Current Scorecards sections are not currently being used by DuPont.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Event Preparation 8/6/2015 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 17 The most important step is preparing for the event. Time may be limited once the event begins to accept response or bids, so it pays to have a bidding strategy laid out ahead of time. The supplier should prepare during the Preview period, if available, by reviewing the Information and Line Item tabs and depending on the Buyer’s requirements, perform various actions such as: downloading attachments using the online Discussion Board to ask the Buyer detailed questions. develop a bidding price range. studying product/service specifications preparing specifications in response checking for capacity and availability of goods, services, raw materials, etc.
DuPont E-Sourcing eNegotiations 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 18
Participating in an eNegotiation What is an eNegotiation? Negotiations are an online event type in which a buyer bargains with one or more suppliers in order to reach an agreement on a purchase or a purchasing contract. Accessing the Event The simplest way to find an event is to follow the hyperlink included in the invitation; however the event can also be accessed through Instructions for logging into DuPont E-Sourcing can be found on slide 10.slide 10 12/14/ E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide
DuPont E-Sourcing – Participating in an eNegotiation 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 20 StepAction 1.Access the eNegotiation through the invitation link or see slide 10 for instructions. Locate the specific eNegotiation on the supplier Workbench and click on the event link.see slide 10 2.The event information is laid out in tabs, with Tools Tabs above. Tool Tabs Event Tabs
DuPont E-Sourcing – Viewing the Event Details 8/6/2015 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 21 The Header tab will include general information about the event and status. The Exchange Rate tab will provide conversion rates if applicable to the event. The Schedule tab provides the timing details of the event. The Information tab contains all pertinent information of the scope and specifications of the services or product requirements. The Questions tab consists of all questions requiring supplier responses. The Line Item tab provides product or service items requiring a price proposal.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Event Preparation 8/6/2015 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 22 The most important step is preparing for the event. Time may be limited once the event begins to accept response or bids, so it pays to have a bidding strategy laid out ahead of time. The supplier should prepare during the Preview period, if available, by reviewing the Information and Line Item tabs and depending on the Buyer’s requirements, perform various actions such as: downloading attachments using the online Discussion Board to ask the Buyer detailed questions. develop a bidding price range. studying product/service specifications preparing specifications in response checking for capacity and availability of goods, services, raw materials, etc.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Participating in an eNegotiation 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 23 StepAction 1.Access the eNegotiation through the invitation link or see slide 10 for instructions. Locate the specific eNegotiation on the supplier Workbench and click on the event link.see slide 10 2.The event information is laid out in tabs, with Active boxes above. Active Boxes Event Tabs
DuPont E-Sourcing – Participating in an eNegotiation 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 24 StepAction 3.Once all event, product and service requirements are reviewed and a bidding strategy has been developed. Click on the Bid on Selected Items button. 4.The bid entry screen will appear as shown on the next slide.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Participating in an eNegotiation 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 25 StepAction 4.Enter the bid in the Bid Unit Price field and click Next>>. 5.A confirmation screen will appear. Confirm the bid and click Place Bid. Click Next once all bids have been entered.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Participating in an eNegotiation 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 26 StepAction 6. A confirmation box will pop up. Click OK. 7.An notification will be sent to the Buyer indicating that you have placed a bid. The supplier will receive an notification once the Buyer counter-bids or accepts the current bid. The details of the offer will be in the Discussion tab. Notice the Discussion bubble is White prior to a discussion being started. Once a discussion has been initiated, the Discussion bubble will turn gray and include a “ symbol as shown on the next slide.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Participating in an eNegotiation 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 27 StepAction 6. Once a Discussion has started the Discussion bubble will turn gray and will have a “ symbol in the bubble. Click on the Discussion tab to view messages. 7.A list of Topics/Subject names will appear with the date posted and the author. Click the link to the message you would like to view.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Participating in an eNegotiation 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 28 StepAction 8. The message sent by the Buyer will appear. The supplier can reply to the message by clicking on the Reply button.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Participating in an eNegotiation 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 29 StepAction 9. Enter the message in the Content Section and click OK to send the supplier.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Participating in an eNegotiation 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 30 StepAction 10. The new message will appear in the Message table. Click OK.
DuPont E-Sourcing – Participating in an eNegotiation 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 31 StepAction 11. Click on the Bidding tab to enter a new bid if necessary. The Buyer will continue to communicate via the Discussion tab until an agreement is reached or terminated.
E-Sourcing – Tool Functionality 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 32
Tool Functionality – eNegotiations E-Sourcing has tool functionality that facilitates the eNegotiation processes. This section will cover the tool functionality. The Document button allows the supplier to Refresh the system if an update is needed prior to when the system updates automatically. The Actions Tab allows suppliers to view the Monitor. 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 33
Tool Functionality – eNegotiations Bid Monitor This is an example of the Bid Monitor. The top portion shows a graph of the suppliers own bids. The bottom two sections provide a view of Bidders and a view of the line item detail. If the event is sealed the supplier will only be able to see his/her own information. 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 34
Tool Functionality - Reports The Reports Tab provide access to a Full Bid Report. This report is useful in documenting bid history once an event is closed. 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 35 Here is an example of the report. Schedule Information Line Item Data Bidding Details
Tool Functionality – Attachments for eNegotiations The Attachment tool function takes the supplier to a link to all attachments that the Buyer has provided for the event. Suppliers cannot attach files in eNegotiations. 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 36 Click the document link to view the attachment(s)
DuPont E-Sourcing – Discussions for eNegotiation The Discussions tab is the main communication tool in eNegotiations. This is where the Buyer will provide feedback to the supplier regarding offers. Once the Discussions tab is clicked, the following screen will appear. This shows that a Discussion was initiated by the Buyer on 12/13/2011. Click on the document link to view the discussion. 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 37
DuPont E-Sourcing – Discussions for eNegotiation Here is an example of what the discussion looks like. The first (1) message was sent by the buyer, the second message (2) was a response from the supplier. 12/14/2011 E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 38 The supplier can reply to messages by clicking the Reply button Once the messages have be read/replied to, Click OK to exit the window